Space Timeline

By mitch03
  • Sputnik Launched

    First artificial satilite put in space by USSR. America was afraid that the USSR could make nukeular weapons agenst America. Space exploration packet.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1 was the first Amercian satellite put into earth's orbit. It was launched after the Soviet's Sputnik 1 and 2. Space exploration packet.
  • NASA

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA was formed by the United States during the space race for more aeronautics and aerospace research. Space exploration packet.
  • First Man To Orbit Space

    Yuri Gagarin orbits the Earth once and becomes the first man in space. Space exploration packet.
  • First Russian in space

    the United States sent Alan Shepard, on Freedom 7. He was the first american human in space known to live. Space exploration packet.
  • First Woman In Space

    Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space sent by the Soviets. Space exploration packet.
  • First Russian Space Walk

    First man in actual space. He was the first one to come out of his ship. Space exploration packet.
  • First American Space Walk

    Ed White was the first American to complete a spacewalk. He was sent on the mission Gemini 4. Space exploration packet.
  • Apollo 11

    This was a great achievement because the US had reached the moon before the Soviets. Meaning they won the space race. Space exploration packet.
  • First men to walk on the moon.

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin become the first men to walk on the Moon. Space exploration packet.