
Space race Faisal Al mumen 1855

  • Russia's launch

    Russia's launch
    Russia launched the first satellite in space
  • Laika's adventure

    Laila was the first Russian dog to orbit the earth
  • Space race

    Space race
    By 1959, the Russians and Americans made a race for the first one to get spacecraft and send it to moon. Russians won
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    He was the first one to be in space
  • Valentina tershkova

    Valentina tershkova
    She was the first woman to be in space
  • Big promise

    Big promise
    In 1963, president JFK promised the world that they will send a man to the moon. They sent a robot spaceship (surveyor 1) to make sure they land safe
  • Safety!

    Once Surveyor 1 landed, it took photographs to the USA scientist to check if there are any problems
  • First step on moon

    First step on moon
    Neil Armstrong was the first man in to step on the moon