Space Race

By woltk47
  • Sputnik 1

    The Soviet Union Launch a non-military satilite name Sputnil 1. They lauched in space because unlike planes it could not be shot down. It orbits the earth 1 time. That begins the "Space Race"
  • Sputnik 2

    The Soviet Union Launch Sputnik 2 With Laika the dog into orbit. The dog lives for seven days! This proves that humans and animals are able to go into space.
  • Explorer 1

    The two times USA tried to launch a satilite it failed, but finaly Explorer 1 made it into orbit. This was USA's first satilite sucsess. Usa was back in the Space Race.
  • Trios 1

    Trios 1 was the first succselsful weather satilite. It was Launched by the USA. It was in space for 78 days. This was important because now we can be more prepaired if a storm is coming or the weather is dangerous.
  • Vostok 1

    The Soviet Union launch the first man in outer space on the Vistok 1. He orbits the moon once.The Soviet Union hit a huge land mark on this day. This was important because the Soviet Union is improving in tecnology.
  • Freedom 7

    USA launch Alan Shepard into space on Freedom 7. He did not orbit the earth, but he was in space for15 mins and 28 secs. This proves that USA is catching up and their tecnology is improving. USA's next big target is the moon!
  • Voshkod 2

    The first space walk was in the Voshkod 2. The person who did it was Alexie Leonov. He was out in space for 10 minuites. This proves that space is not harmful.
  • Luna 9

    Luna 9 was the first space craft to soft land on the moon made by the Soviet Union. It transfered moon data back the Earth. This proved that the moon is a hard object and people can stand/land on it.
  • Luna 10

    Luna 10 was the first satilite to orbit the moon. Also it was the first to orbit any thing past the moon. This was made by the Soviet Union. This proves that tecnology can and will be improved.
  • Apollo 13

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren are the first people on the moon. Neil first the Buzz was second to step on the moon. they came off Apollo 13. Neil armstrong said "One small step for man, one giant leap for man kind." USA won the Space Race!