
Space Race

By Naqeeb
  • The satalite Sputnik became the first man-made object in space.

    Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union, making ut the first man made object in space. The sattalite was visable from the earth and sent radio waves to broadcast. If you tuned in your radio you would here the beeps of Sputnik.
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    Space Race

    The Space Race took place from 1957 to 1969.
  • The Soviet Union sent the first man into space

    Yuri A. Gagarin bacame the first man in space after being launched and orbiting for 108 minutes.
  • The first American goes into space.

    As part of project Mercury, Alen B.Shepard became th first American in space when he was launched in 1961. This started America's path to the Moon.
  • First American to orbit the Earth.

    John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth. This happened just a year after the first American went into space.
  • Surveyor lands on the moon as part of project Gemini.

    Surveyor lands on the moon proving that spacecraft can be sent to the moon.
  • "1 small step for man,1 giant leap for man kind."

    As part of project Apollo, Apollo 11 lands on the moon, making Neil Armstrong the first man on the moon. Here is where he said, "This is one small step for man, one giant leap or Mankind."