space race

  • sputnik 1 launched

    sputnik 1 launched
    this was the first satellite launched and it was launched first by the u.s.s.r it took 98 minutes for it to orbit the earth. it was signfgent because it was the first satellite launched.
  • dog in space

    dog in space
    the russian launched a dog in space. his name waslukia, and he bacame known as a astronaut dog. it was cool because it was the first animal to orbit the earth ever.
  • first u.s sattelite succesfully launched.

    first u.s sattelite succesfully launched.
    this was when the united states of america launched the first succesful sattelite in space. this was cool because they had a buch of other attempts but this one was the one that finally worked.
  • nasa founded

    nasa founded
    this was when nasa was founded and started getting people to work for them so they could go into space like the russsian. this is cool because this is the most common space station in the u.s.
  • monkey in space

    monkey in space
    u.s launched two monkeys into space to see what happened. when they came back to earth 1 of the monkeys did not survue.
  • fist man to orbit the earth

    fist man to orbit the earth
    the name of the person who first orbited the earth was yuri gagrin.It was cool because that was the time the first person ever went up into space which was kind of neat back then.
  • first u,s man in space

    first u,s man in space
    the first person to go into space was named alan shepard. he was the first american to go into space, but the secong person ever to go to space. this is cool because he was the first american to go into space and nasa was really proud of this man.
  • first u.s man to orbit he earth

     first u.s man to orbit he earth
    the name of the first u.s person to orbit the earth was john was cool cause at this time period people wanted to be the best and the u.s and trying to prove that they have better teconolgy than the russians.
  • first women in space

    first women in space
    the name of the first women to go into space was valentina tereshkava. this was cool because all this men were the first ones to do everything and then this girls come along and becomes part of history.
  • first space walk

    first space walk
    the name of the first person ever to space walk was alexei leonav.this was cool because it was the first person ever to do this and everyone jumped out out of their seats when they heard the news.
  • U.s first space walk

    U.s first space walk
    the name of the first person to space walk was ed white. It was cool because it was the first time a u.s man walked in space.
  • gemini 7

    gemini 7
    the gemini 7 was part of the gemini project. they were only up there for one day. this is only the 7th project thre were many more that is why it is cool.
  • apollo 8

    apollo 8
    during the apollo 8 project three people were sent up to the moon.this was important because it was the biggest day ever in the intire spacerace.
  • first man on the moon

    first man on the moon
    the first man on the moon was neil armstrong. Nasa had sent two people onto the moon but people believe thet neil armstrong was the first person to step on the moon.This was cool because it happen during apollo 11.