
space race

  • dog in space

    dog in space
    They sent a dog into space to also again see the effects of sending humans into space ecept they sent another animal a dog named lakila she died a week after from hyproventalating and heat flashes.Lakila was a stary so they thought that they could use her for another space investigation.
  • expolorer 1

    expolorer 1
    The explorer 1 was the first ever satalite that the us had made .This satalite was lighter than the russians becuase thay used all matal but nasa used a variety of materials.
  • monkey in space

    monkey in space
    Scientist wanted to study the survival of humans in space without hurting the humans .The name of the monkey sent into space was albert II. the reason why they chose a monkey or chimp was because monkeys or chimps have the most human feature for example the can walk on two legs,eat with hands ,and scratch backs .
  • nasa is founded

    nasa is founded
    when nasa was founded it was the biggest thing that has happened in the united state and is ver important to our nation although it was founded after the one i russia
  • space walk

    space walk
    They space walk was a time when they would send a shedule into space with men on it and then when they got in the middle of space the would let out a space brige and walk across it to prove that it was possible to walk in space and the first to do it was ED White .
  • NASA's 50th aneversry

    NASA's 50th aneversry
    this was a time to celebrate fiffty years from 1970 to 1980 to 2000 this was very special to them!
  • nasa and U.S.S.R.

    nasa and U.S.S.R.
    this was a flight mission to all there theriores
    tis picture is the nasa crew and ussr
    nasa =orange
  • sputnik luanch

    sputnik luanch
    The satalite was created and luanched by the soviet union .It only took 98 minutes to orbit the whole earth.the sputnik made this weird beeping noise to some they thought it was some kind of morise code or a spy satalite .It was also locateable when passing over earth and it was very scary to some but to other amazing .
  • First woman in space

    First woman in space
    The first woman in space was Valentina Tereshkova.She was important to us because she fought for wemon rights in going into space just like men can we should be able to.
  • first US man in space

    first US man in space
    The first man in space was Alan Shepard on apollo 13 but the luanch failed and fell back into the ocean .the reasoon why this failed was because they might of had issues with the luanch and when they finally got up and started they might of did something wrong and falled back to earth.
  • gemini 7

    gemini 7
    The gemini 7 was a shedule that was to see the effects of sending people into space .
  • first man to orbit earth

    first man to orbit earth
    They sent a man into space named John Glen on the freind ship 7 to see if it was now possible for human to orbit earth now that they sent animals.Now that they seen that most animals could travel in space they seen that it may be possible for them to send humans into space .
  • 1st man on the moon

    1st man on the moon
    They sent two men on the moon one of the men we al know is Neil Armstrong he was the first to step foot on the moon and the nasa peogram was so happy.
  • apollo 8

    apollo 8
    the apollo 8 was the shedule that took the men from earth to the moon .