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Space Exploration Timeline

By Odetac
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    1. Sputnik 1 was the first artificial earth satellite.
    2. The soviet union launched this satellite and its purpose was to map the earth's surface.
    3. This mission was impoetant because it forced race against other countries.
  • Explorer

    1. The United States launched this artificial satellite.2. Explorer 1 was launched to counter the Soviet Union’s Sputnik.3. This mission was important because it measured the radiation belt around the earth.
  • Mercury Freedom 7

    Mercury Freedom 7
    1. Mercury Freedom 7 was the first U. S. manned flight that successfully orbited earth. Alan Shepard was on board.
    2. The purpose was to test the ability of the craft to re-enter earth’s atmosphere.
    3. The splash down recovery did not go as planned. It took almost 2 hours which resulted in the capsule almost sinking.
  • Gemini 3

    Gemini 3
    1. Gemini 3 was the first manned mission in the Gemini program. It was piloted by Virgil Grissom and John Young.
    2. It was also the final manned flight controlled by Cape Canaveral, Florida.
    3. Its purpose was to test the ship’s ability to change the shape of the orbit and lower the ship’s altitude.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    1. The Apollo 11 was a three part space craft that landed the first man on the moon.
    2. The United States astronauts were Buzz Aldine, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins.
    3. The mission was broadcast on T.V. and millions watched.
    4. It was fifth manned mission of NASA's Apollo program.
    5. This mission was important because it ended the race with other countries to land on the moon.
  • Viking 1

    Viking 1
    1. Viking 1 was a U. S. Planetary Orbiter. It was the first of two NASA missions to Mars.
    2. The purpose of the mission was to the planet Mars and collect data. It sent images of Mar’s soil back to earth.
    3. United States was in charge of the Viking mission.
  • Voyager 1

    Voyager 1
    1. Voyager 1 was a space probe.
    2. The purpose of the mission was to locate and study the boundaries of space.
    3. United States was in charge of the Voyager mission.
    4. It is still in operation today. It is scheduled to work until 2025.
    5. It is the farthest man- made object from the earth.
  • Columbia Space Shuttle (first launch)

    Columbia Space Shuttle (first launch)
    1. Columbia Space (first launch) was manned mission.
    2. The purpose of the mission was to test reusable spacecraft.
    3. United States was in charge of the Columbia Space Shuttle.
    4. It made 27 successful missions. On the 28th 4. Mission it disintegrated while reentering the atmosphere on Feb. 1, 2003.
    5. This accident killed all seven crew members.
  • Mars Pathfinder

    Mars Pathfinder
    1. Mars Pathfinder was a robotic space craft.
    2. The purpose of the mission was to land on the planet Mars and collect data.
    3. United States sponsored this mission.
  • International Space Station (ISS)

    International Space Station (ISS)
    1. The ISS is an artificial satellite owned by Russia and U.S. part one was launched in 1998.
    2. Its purpose is to conduct research experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, and meteorology.
    3. This is the largest satellite in space and it is still in operation today.
  • Spirit and Opportunity

    Spirit and Opportunity
    1. Spirit and Opportunity are 2 robotic rovers conducting ongoing research on Mars.
    2. The purpose of the mission was to explore Mars by looking at the soil.
    3. The United States sponsored this mission.
  • Kepler

    1. The Kepler is a space observatory made to explore a part of the Milky Way.
    2. It sends information back to earth.
    3. The purpose of the mission is to find new stars and their planets
  • Curiosity

    1. The Curiosity is a very large robotic rover that explores the Gale Crater on Mars.
    2. Its mission is to explore the possibility of life on Mars. The Curiosity explores the climate and geology of the planet.
    3. United States was in charge of the mission.