Space Exploration

By til64
  • U.S.S.R. Launched Sputnik

    Sputnik was the first artificial satelite sent to space by USSR. The Soviets worried the Soviets.
  • The "mercury seven" astronauts are selected by NASA

    This gives NASA astronauts to send off to space
  • Luna 3 orbits the moon and photographs 70% of the surface

    The soviets have launched the first satelite with a camera.
  • The us launches Discoverer XIV Its frist camera equipped spy satelite

    The satelite can now take videos and the scientists can look at what the cmaera was caught on tape.
  • The soviets launched the first human to space.

    They launche dthe first human to space for space exploration. Just so they can show the U.S.A that they can orbit.
  • President Kennedy launched a space Expo. research.

    Becuase he launched into space for reseach.
  • The first american was sent ot orbit earth.

    It was the first time they orvit the eathe for space research.
  • Mariner flies past venus and enters a solar orbit.

    this is good to know how far we can get into space
  • Luna 9 is the first aircraft to land on the moon

    This is not good for the USA because that means that the soviets can reach the moon before the USA did so that is more competition for the USA
  • 3 Ametican Astronauts circled the mon in orbit.

    This is important, because its the first time they circled the moon.