space exploration

  • Period: 476 to 550


    Aryabhatta is a intelligent mathematical and a astromery worker he was the one who discover the nine planet and he believe the earth is rotating and he made a sattlelite.
  • Period: Feb 17, 1066 to

    halleys comet

    Halleys comet is a special comet that we could see visible from the earth and apparently its around 75 - to 76 years and it is made of ice and dust so its call dirty snowball.
  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543


    Copernicus is a renaissance mathematician and a astromer who created a heliocentric model which place the sun in the middle rather than the Earth.
  • Period: Feb 15, 1564 to


    He was the Italian psysicist, mathematicaian, astromer and a philosopher and he was the one who made the best telescope and disover the 4th biggest planet.
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    The csiro stand for commonwealth,scientific,and industrial research organisation.And it was found in 1926
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    Pluto is no longer a planet because its smaller than the Earths moon and there was a debate if pluto is a planet but its not ANYMORE.
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    Gagarin Yuri

    Gagarin Yuri was a soviet pilot, cosmonaut and the first man in space.
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    fruit flies in space

    The first animal in space was fruit flies and it was in 20 february 1949
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    Laika was the first dog who launch into orbit and he born in 1954 to 1957 November 3.
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    first to launch the satellite umanned

    The first country launch the satellite was ussr/soviet union and the satellite called sputnik 1.
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    The nasa stand for national aeronautic space administration. They do researches on new expedition like see if theres alien on Mars.
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    Skylab was a space station that orbited to space in 1973 to 1979.
    The skylab crash or fell.
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    first orbit landed on mars

    The viking 1 was the first one that landed on Mars.
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    hubble telescope

    Hubble telescope is a space telescope that was carry in orbit in 1990.
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    international space station

    Iternational space station is a space station thats in space.