Space Exploration

  • Sputnik1, the first man-made object to orbit Earth, is launched by the USSR

    Sputnik1, the first man-made object  to orbit Earth, is launched by the USSR
  • Explorer 1 is the first U.S. Satellite to orbit Earth

    Explorer 1 is the first U.S. Satellite to orbit Earth
  • Volstok 1 is launched by the USSR carring Cosmonaut Yuri Gargarin

    Volstok 1 is launched  by the USSR carring Cosmonaut Yuri Gargarin
  • Project mercury carries Alan Shepard into space as the first U.S. Astronaut

    Project mercury carries Alan Shepard into space as the first U.S. Astronaut
  • John Glenn is the first U.S. astronaut to orbit Earth

    John Glenn is the first U.S. astronaut to orbit Earth
  • Project Gemini launche the first U.S. two crew into space

    Project Gemini launche the first U.S. two crew into space
  • Apollo 8 leaves Earth's orbit and circles the moon

    Apollo 8 leaves Earth's orbit  and circles the moon
  • Apollo 11 lands on the moon. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin walk walk on the Moon.

    Apollo 11 lands on the moon. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin walk walk on the Moon.
  • Project Skylab is launched by the U.S.

    Project Skylab is launched by the U.S.
  • Viking 2, launched by the U.S. lands on Mars

    Viking 2, launched by the U.S. lands on Mars
  • The Hebble Space Telescope is launched

    The Hebble Space Telescope is launched
  • First mission of the U.S. Space shuttle

    First mission of the U.S. Space shuttle
  • First evidence of a planet outside our solar system is obtained.

  • Pathfinder land on mars. Color images of the surface and data on the rocks and soil are collected

    Pathfinder land on mars. Color images of the surface and data on the rocks and soil are collected
  • Construction begins on the Interntional Space Station