Space Exploraction

  • Period: to

    space race

  • sputnik was launched

    sputnik was launched
    The space race beetween the united states and soviout union caused the soviouts to launch the first man made prjectile into the space time contiueum.
  • Period: to

    space race

  • sputnik2

    sputnik2 was the second apallo to orbit earth with a living creature
  • first man in space

    first man in space
    in 1961 the soviouts launched the first human ito space,mr.yuri gagarin
  • man on the moon

    man on the moon
    neil armstron was the first man on the moon
  • new missoins on the moon

    new missoins on the moon
    erup launched spacecraft
  • figure3

    american lunar base
  • sputnik3

    attempt to land on mars
  • apollo11

    new exciting things
  • 2005

    end of space race and more to come