
Slumdog Millionaire Q&A


    Mohammad, as it turns out, is not arrested for "cheating", but primarily because the "W3B?" producer cannot afford to give him the million in which he rightfully deserves.
  • Period: to

    life and events of Ram Mohammad Thomas

  • "No. He is even better in real life."

    "No. He is even better in real life."
    In chapter two there is a discussion on Salim's obsession with Armaan Ali, and soon runs off into being the very beginning of "W3B?". Mohammad answers the first question correct. (1000 rupees)
  • "My foster dad was a priest."

    "My foster dad was a priest."
    Mohammad was taught of many religions due to his own cultural difference as his "father" thought was the right thing to do. Ram answers the second question correct. (2000 rupees)
  • "I like Gudiya"

    "I like Gudiya"
    Salima and Mohammad have moved in together into a chawl. He then meets the new neighbors, Gudiya, whome he gazes the sky with. Then explaining his third question that he also got right. (5000 rupees)
  • "The sky is a shade darker.."

    "The sky is a shade darker.."
    After father Timothy passes away, Ram is taken to a juvenille home where he meets his "brother" Salim and is also given his lucky coin at the carnival. Fourth question: correct.(10,000 rupees)
  • Just as there is an omniscient God above, there is Colonel Taylor below.

    Just as there is an omniscient God above, there is Colonel Taylor below.
    Mohammad has now recieved another job, but now he is a servant for the Taylor's and is a very trusted indian as they say in the book. Mohammad has been through all of these incidents that are being asked and so as the fifth answer is asked as quickly as it is answered. (50,000 rupees)
  • "And everyday I wait for a letter to arrive from the W3B people.."

    "And everyday I wait for a letter to arrive from the W3B people.."
    In this chapter he is working at a his local bar and quite a few interesting stories are shared by some incredious drunken men which all teach him something new. Which is why he also answered the sixth question exactly right.(100,000 rupees)
  • The mouthwatering aroma..

    The mouthwatering aroma..
    In this chapter he is on a train headed to meet Salim and has engaged a conversation with a 6 year old little boy who does not believe anything Ram is saying. But on this same train Ram is introduced to a new feeling that he has never felt: respected. And is not surprised to know the answer to question number seven. (200,000 rupees)
  • A Soldiers Tale

    A Soldiers Tale
    The beginning of this chapter starts off as a war they are in with Pakistan and are discussing atomic bombs. Then the discussion on gallantry for the indian soldiers which is where he remembers the answer for question number eight.
  • For a junior artist, acting skills are not required...

    For a junior artist, acting skills are not required...
    Salim and Ram have reconnected for the first time in six years. Salim is now in acting school and has been promised to have a career in two years , which is when he turns 18. Then goes into detail about how all of this happened over the years and unknowingly give Ram the ninth answer to that question. (1,000,000 rupees)
  • They are mostly concerned with fame. Or the lack of it.

    They are mostly concerned with fame. Or the lack of it.
    In this chapter Ram begins to work for the Queen and she shows him her body and what her old boyfriend had done with the cigarettes to her chest. And soon later she came to commit suicide. The tenth question was what year she died. He answered it perfectly right. (10,000,000 rupees)
  • X Gkrz Opknu (or A Love Story)

    X Gkrz Opknu (or A Love Story)
    At the beginning of this chapter Ram is scavenging for food, sticking his arms in trash cans for half eaten burgers and half filled 7up. He then meets his new love and is enchanted by her grace. Which then leads onto his question of Shakespeare. He guesses answer C. Answer C is Correct!! (100,000,000 rupees)
  • The thirteenth question

    The thirteenth question
    Ram is now in the studio on a commercial break from the one last question. He then is discussing a loaded gun and a revolover and here it is the thirteenth question. Beethovens piano sonata number 29, opus 106, also known as the hammerklavier sonata, is in which key? "A" CORRECT!!!