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Signifigant Events From The Cold War

  • Chinese Revolution

    Chinese Revolution
    Its the revolution that extablished the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Mao Tse Tung's communist government took control of China. It was under Chiang Kai-Shek, and the Chinese Nationalists. It was a communist revolution that overthrew Chiang Kai-Shek's Kuomintang (KMT) government. Their had atually been communist revolutionary activety for 20 years before this but the KMT broke away from the Chinese communist party (CCP) in 1927.
  • Chinese Revolution Continued

    Chinese Revolution Continued
    The CCP formed a firm base at Yan'an. During that time Mao Zedong gained power and eventually was a leader of the communist revolution. IN 1945 fighting increased between CCP and KMT. in Mancuria the KMT forces were tired out and the CCP forces had victory and the CCP forces continued to have victories. This defeated the KMT in 1949. Mao's annouced the establishment of the PRC.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    It began when 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People's Republic Army which were backed by the peoples republic of china and the USSR went across the 38th parallel, which is the boundry of north and South Korea. the south was helped by the united nations particularly the united states. the war ended with a war, but they are still officially at war. (the war that the popular tv show MASH was set in) Ended July 27th 1953
  • Uprising in Hungary

    Uprising in Hungary
    This was a revolt agens the Peoples republic of Hungary and its soviet policies. The revolt spread acros HUngary and the government colapsed. The Soviets ended up taking control of Hungary. Ended November 10th 1956. On August 20th 1968, troops from Russia and Hungary, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Poland invaded Czechoslovakia. The Czechs eventually sent all those involved back to the Soviet Union in April of 1969.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    A competition between Soviet Union and United States, for the best accomplishments in space exploration. It started when sputnik was launched. On July 16th 1969 Apollo 11 was launched and US was in the lead of the space race.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union into a low Earth Orbit. The satalite trveled 18,000 mph. it took 96.2 minutes to complete one orbit around earth. it transmitted radio signals for 22 days. until the transmitter batteries ran out on October 26th 1957. On January 4th 1958 Sputnik burns up when it falls from orbit and enters Earths Atmosphere. it raveled 43.5 million miles and spent 3 months in orbit.
  • U2 Spy Plane Shot Down

    U2 Spy Plane Shot Down
    Gary Powers was unable to make the plane self destruct before parachuting out when flying over Sverdlovsk. The US government claimed it was a weather plane that flew off coarse. The CIA din;t know was that the plane crashed intact and the soviets recovered it. Powers was convicted of espionage but was exchanged on February 10th 1962 in a spy swap.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The wall went up and split Germany down the middle with Berlin. When it went up familes were split apart. The eastern block said that it was built to protect its population from turning into a socialist state, but in truth it kept people from leaving the east half becasue people were leaving east germany and going into west germany so they could travel throughout Europe.
  • Cuban Misssile Crisis

    Cuban Misssile Crisis
    The Soviet Union and Cubia were on one side and the US was on the other. Basically they both had missiles in other countries aimd at each other and it ended when JFK and the UN reached an agreement with the Soviets that they would dismantel their weapons and send them back to the soiet Union and the US gave a public declaratin and agreement never to invade Cuba on October 28th, 1962.
  • Russia Invades Afghanistan

    Russia Invades Afghanistan
    The soviet invaded the country overthrowing the presidency of Hafizullah Amin. The goal was to help support the soviets new state, but the rebelion supported by the US grew. In 1988 the Soviets signed an accord with the US, Pakistan, and Afghanistan and agreed to withdrw its troops. The troops were finally withdrawn on February 15th 1989.
  • Berlin Wall Continued

    Berlin Wall Continued
    The wall was brought down in parts and people were allowed to communicate from west to east germnay on November 9th 1989. It was officially all taken down in 1990.