significant events

  • moving in

    moving in
    The Japinese started to move to america in large numbers. Americans dont know what to think about them because they are different.
  • so many

    so many
    between 1901 and 1908 over 125,000 japinese have moved to America.
  • exclusion league

    exclusion league
    Exclusion leagues were formed to leave the japanese out.
  • Gentlemans agreement

    Gentlemans agreement
    America did not want any more japanese coming to America. So they told Japan only the faimlies that have a faimly member in America could come over. So many more people came over after this.
  • Nisei and Issei

    Nisei and Issei
    If the nisei were born in the usa before this date they were both japanese and american citizens. But after this date if they wanted to be japanese citizent to their parents had to go to japan and sign something.
  • JACL

    Leaders of local and regional groupes came together and formed the JACL. They didnt want japanese americans to have any rights.
  • WAR

    America declared war on Japan on December 7th after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
  • Executive order 9066

    Executive order 9066
    President Franklin makes Executive order 9066.
  • evacuated

    Japanese are forced to leave their houses and to go to a consentration camp. Consentration camps are garded areas with many people living in them. The japanese americans had to live here during the war because america was afraid that they would go againsed them.
  • FREE

    The Japanese are free and can leave the camps.