
sign language

  • Sep 18, 1500

    before anything...sign language!

    alright you came to my timelinbe to read about what? the amazing story of sign language! now please enjoy this timeline. sign language did not exist in the 1500s
    As a result, deaf children were treated badly.
    While the adults and children were
    being left alone, they came up with sign language.
    Sign language was not properly put together, it was juat hand gestures.
  • Sep 18, 1500

    monks used sign language instead of talking

    Monks, who had taken vows of silence, would use these hand gestures known as sign language
  • people who could hear didn't expect such simple hand gestures

    People who could hear had a difficult
    time doing the hand gestures because t
    hey were too simple and not precise.
  • Charles Michel creates sign language!

    Charles Michel creates sign language!
    A French priest, Charles Michel, searched for
    deaf people so he could learn their signs. He
    did this because he wanted to create a different type of
    sign language that was more precise and easier to learn.
  • Charles Michel

    Charles Michel
    Charles Michel opened a school for deaf

    people to learn his new, ‘proper’ way of sign
  • charles michel created the sign language dictionary

    Charles Michel created a dictionary for the deaf
    so they could easily learn more sign language.
    The students ended up learning so much that Charles
    Michel took them on a trip around the country so they
    could use their sign language, teaching others.
  • Charles Michel dies but sign language lives

    Charles Michel dies. Charles Michels methods became so well known that now French people were learning sign language for the fun of it in honor of Charles Michel.
  • sign language will turn i be WAY more popular

    i trhnk that later on in life sign language will be used way more often and more in france as a second language like how we have to learn spanish french people will have to learn sign language. and there will be more movies for deaf people. thank you for reading about the amazing fantastic timeline about sign language hope you enjoyed!