
Segment 2

  • Bolshevik/Russian Revolution

    Bolshevik/Russian Revolution
    Overturned the interim provisional government and established the Soviet Union.
  • Creation of the Communist Party

    Creation of the Communist Party
    The Russians became communist in October of 1917. Today they call it by many names; Red October, October Revolution, October Uprising and many more.
  • Lenin's New Economic Policy

    Lenin's New Economic Policy
    Proposed by Vladimir Lenin, allowing some private ventures, the NEP allowed small animal businesses or smoke shops, for instance, to reopen for private profit while the state continued to control banks, foreign trade, and large industries.[
  • Establishment of the USSR

    Establishment of the USSR
    Which combined the confederation of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation(divided in 1936 into the Georgian, Azerbaijan, and Armenian republics).
  • Stalin's Five Year Plan

    Stalin's Five Year Plan
    Stalin's five year plans were his plotted out plans to help Russia earn wealth.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    A confrontation between the Soviet Union and Cuba on one side and the United States on the other in October 1962, during the Cold War.
  • Glasnost/Perestroika

    Perestroika and glasnost were Mikhail Gorbachev's watchwords for the renovation of the Soviet body politic and society that he pursued as general secretary of the Communist Party from 1985 until 1991.
  • End of the Communist Party

    End of the Communist Party
    The Revolutions of 1989 were the revolutions which overthrew the communist regimes in various Central and Eastern European countries.
  • Democracy of Russia Implemented

    Democracy of Russia Implemented
    Soviet democracy is a form of democracy in which workers' councils called soviets, consisting of worker-elected delegates, form organs of power possessing both legislative and executive power.
  • Russian Stock Market Crash

    Russian Stock Market Crash
    The Russian government devalues the ruble, defaults on domestic debt, and declares a moratorium on payment to foreign creditors.