Scientific Revolution

  • May 30, 1423


    Georg Peurbach
    Born (May 30, 1423) Death (April 8, 1461)
    Wrote, "New Theory of the Planets". He was an astronomer, a mathematicion, and an instrument maker. His book brought a new perspective about the planets and outer space in general.
  • Oct 31, 1451


    Christopher Columbus
    Born (October 31, 1451) Death (May 20, 1506)
    Famous Italian explorer, discovered "The New World," of Americans on and expedition paid by King Ferdinand of Spain during 1492.
  • Feb 24, 1463


    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
    Born (Feb 24, 1463) Death (November 17, 1494)
    He was a Renaissance Italian philosopher, scholar, Neoplatonist, and humanist who wanted to stop religion and philosophy. He publists many books concerning his studies.
  • Mar 21, 1478


    Girolamo Fracastoro
    Born (1478) Death ( August 8, 1553)
    He was an Italian doctor, poet, scholor in geometry, mathematics, and astronomy, He subscribed to the philosophy in atomism, and refused to search for new hidden causes in scientific investigation.
  • Mar 6, 1493


    Juan Luis Vives
    Born (March 6, 1493) Death (May 6, 1540)
    He was a Valencian scholar who mostly lived his entire life in the Netherlands. He was strongly against Scholasticism and emphasized induction as a method of inquiry. He was also a professor of the humanites at Leuven.
  • Apr 16, 1495


    Peter Apian
    Born (April 16, 1495) Death (April 21, 1552)
    He was a German humanist. He was most known for his accomplishments in mathematics, astronomy, and cartography. The lunar crater Apians and minor planet 19139 Apain are named in his honor.
  • Sep 24, 1501


    Girolamo Cardano
    Born (September 24, 1501) Death (September 21, 1576)
    He was an Italian Renaissance mathematician, doctor, astrologer, and a gambler. He wrote mroe than 200 works on his studies in medicine, mathematics, physics, philosophy, religion, and music.
  • Apr 27, 1502


    Pedro Nunez
    Born (1502) Death (August 11, 1578)
    He was a mathematician, cosmographer, and a professor. He was known for his publication of the works of navigation. He explained the use of new instruments and how to sail on the great circle course.
  • Sep 29, 1511


    Michael Servetus
    Born (September 29, 1511) Death (October 27, 1553)
    He was a religious man, a Spanish theologian, physician, cartographer, and Renaissance humanist. He created a theory about the circulation of blood. He was convicted for his research and scientific discoveries. He was burned at the stake.
  • Feb 16, 1514


    Georg Joachim Rheticus
    Born (Feb. 16, 1514) Death (December 4, 1574)
    He was a mathematician, cartographer, navigational- instrument maker, medical practitioner, and a teacher. He is best known for his trigonometric tables and he was also Nicolaus Copernicus's sole pupil.
  • Feb 24, 1523


    Gabriele Falloppio
    Born (1523) Death (October 9, 1562)
    He was a very important anatomists. He was also a physician. He was the first to discribe the "Fallopian tubes," named after him. He discovered many important mysteries in early anatomy.
  • Jul 13, 1527


    John Dee
    Born (July 13, 1527) Death (1600)
    He was mostly known for his research on navigation, but he was also a mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, imperialist, and was a direct consultant to Queen Elizabeth. He built the instruments to apply to Euclid and trained the first great navigators.
  • Jan 4, 1548


    Giordano Bruno
    Born (1548) Death (Feb. 17,1600)
    He was a friar, philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer. His theories supported modern science. Some of his writings consisted of, the infinite universe and the mulitplicity of worlds. He was burned at the stake for the complexity of his studies to the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Sep 23, 1548


    Simon Stevin
    Born (1548) Death (1620)
    He was a mathematician and military engineer. He helped standardize decimal usage in fractions and helped in refuting Aristotle's discoveries. He was a highly efficient military engineer whom also was engaged in science.
  • Feb 15, 1564


    Galileo Galilei
    Born (Feb. 15, 1564) Death (January 8, 1642)
    He was an Italian physicist, mathematician, atronomer, and philosopher. He discovered four of jupiter's moons, built a telescope, concluded that the moon was mountainous- not smooth, made observations regarding his belief in Copernicus's theory, and much more discoveries.