SARS Epidemic Timeline

  • Index Case in Guangdong

    Index Case in Guangdong
  • Period: to

    305 cases + 5 deaths

    From an unknown acute respiratory system
  • Liu Jian Lun checked into the Metropole

    Liu Jian Lun checked into the Metropole
    He checked into the 9th floor, and had treated patients with symptons similar to pneumonia.
  • Carlo Urbani first identified virus in an American businessman Johnny Chen, in Hanoi, Vietnam.

    Carlo Urbani first identified virus in an American businessman Johnny Chen, in Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Period: to

    "Mystery disease" spread, killing 60 staff.

  • Identified virus as corona virus which had jumped species

    Identified virus as corona virus which had jumped species
  • First case in Canada

    First case in Canada
    Toronto Pubic Health HQ, mother and son died after returning from Hong Kong
  • CDC activates its Emergency Operations Center

    CDC activates its Emergency Operations Center
  • Worldwide Alert Announced

    Worldwide Alert Announced
    A worldwide alert was announced by WHO, with a list of symptons, and complied guidelines to hospitals on how to construct isolation camps.
  • Found index case - Metropole

    Found index case - Metropole
  • 306 cases worldwide

    306 cases worldwide
    Reached US, Britain, Taiwan, Thailand, Phillipines, Germany, etc. All linked to Hong Kong via flights
  • Chinese government discloses number of cases was far higher than reported

    Chinese government discloses number of cases was far higher than reported
  • SARS outbreak contained worldwide

    SARS outbreak contained worldwide