
Saddam Hussein: An ended evil

  • Birth

    Saddam was born on April, 28th, 1937 in Tikrit, Iraq. He was raised by his Uncle. His uncle grew to have be a huge influence on Hussein. Picture from:
  • Period: to

    Life to Death

    This timeline is based upon the life and actions of Saddam Hussein; ending with his death in 2006.
  • Murder and Jail

    Only in his early 20's, Hussein had already been sent to prison for the murder of his brother. After his release he continued being a member in the Baath Socialist Party. Having the goal of joining all Middle Eastern Arab states, the members of this party would not stop at anything to have this goal become a reality.
  • Attack on Kassem

    Attack on Kassem
    Hussein and his party members attack and attempt to kill the then leader of Iraq's military. While Kassem is hurt during the attack, he is not killed. However the event resulted in deaths, both by gun fire and execution. After the failed attempt Hussein relocated to Egypt and attended school. He is gone from Iraq for four years.Picture link:
  • Kassem's death, prison and power

    Banning with the Party again, Kassem is killed and Hussein returns to Iraq. However tension develops within the party and eventually Saddam is arrested and is sent back to prison. In prison he continued to gain influence and followers until his escape from prison after being dubbed the deputy secretary of the Regional Command.
  • Impending presidency

    Saddam is now vice-president and will later become president in 1979. By overthrowing those in positions of power, including his cousin, Saddam acheieved this level of complete control. During his time as vice-president Saddam helped uplift Iraq, improving it in many ways. However his ruthlessness became a problem.
  • War

    Many year have been filled with innocent deaths due to Saddam. He has become a total tyrant and his government barely slips through the cracks of the U.S and Kuwait War. Picture link:
  • U.S. sights

    Hussein is becoming more of a threat to the U.S. Raising red flags as his murderous actions continue. The news of weapon programs aimed towards the eventual attack on the U.S. warrent attention.
  • Obama vs Hussein

    Obama vs Hussein
    Obama gives Hussein a limited amount of time until he and his family must leave their positions and Iraq behind. However three days later the U.S. entered Iraq under assumptions of weapon programs.
  • Captured

    After the death of his sons and retaliation, Saddam Hussein flees and hides in a farmhouse 10 miles from his birth-town. However, he is found and captured by the U.S. and is brought to trial for his heinous crimes.
  • Death

    After being caught Saddam was held for three years before capital punishment was the determined course of action. Hussein was hung pn December 30th, 2006 and barried near his birthplace.
  • Summary

    The life of Saddam was filled with murder and self-righteous pride. From a young age he was taught to do whatever it took and he took that lesson much too seriously. Not only was he ruthless to his own, he rose to become a threat to the U.S. After retaliation to U.S. forces he fled but was found near his home town. Then, after three years of debate he was sentenced to death by hanging.
  • citations

    Information has been gathered from:
    (picture links are in corresponding posts).