Russian Space Agency

  • Creation of Mir.

    The soviets focused strongly on space station technology -- most notably in the form of Mir.
  • The agency was formed.

  • Lauch of Sputnik I.

    The world's first manmade satellite. By completing this goal, the Russians took a major lead in the Space Race.
  • USSR launched Sputnik II.

    This launch included the first living passenger, a dog, named Laika.
  • USSR launched Luna I.

    This launch missed the moon but set the record for the first artificial object in space to leave earth's orbit.
  • The launch of Luna II.

    Two days after the launch, it is intentionally crashed into the moon.
  • The launch of Venera to Venus.

    The probe stops responding after one week.
  • First human in space.

    Yuri Gagarin, Russian Astronaut, accomplished the title of being the first human in outerspace while orbiting on the Vostok 3KA-3 space craft.
  • Yuri Garagin completes an orbit in space.

    The frist man in space with a 108-minute flight on Vostok I.
  • USSR launches its first successful spy satellite.

    Designated cosmos 7.
  • First woman to fly into space.

    Valentina Tereshkova
  • Launch of Voskhod I.

    A modified Vostok orbiter with a three-person crew.
  • First spacewalk

    Soviet cosmonaut, Alexei Leonov, makes the first spacewalk from the VoskhoV II orbiter.
  • Luna IX sofly lands on moon.

    After many attempts, Luna IX sofly lands on the moon unmanned.
  • Chinese satellite and Russian satellite collide.

    The crash knocked BLITS (Russian satellite) from its orbit and broke it into pieces.