
RUSSIA 1917-1941

  • Ending of Bloody Sunday( Workers' protests)

    Ending of Bloody Sunday( Workers' protests)
    It took place in St. Petersburg, when some Imperial Guards fired into a crowd of peaceful demonstrators. The crows were workers who met in front of Winter Palace, which was the Tsar's House, they just tried to demand directly to Tsar higher wages and better labour conditions. But the Tsar wasn't there, so the guards just tried to defend the entering of workers into the Palace. But Vladimir ordered to open fire. Actually, it was the end of Duma, which was boycotted by the workers.
  • Soviet Russia

    Soviet Russia
    It was the highest and most populated, and economically developed republic.It was managed by the Bolsheviks. In 1991, it will change into the Russian Federation. Russica didn't have name and wasn't recognised due to the October Revolution, but after five month, it was called the Soviet Russia.
  • Period: to

    RUSSIA 1917-1941

  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    It was a real people’s revolution in Petrograd caused by risings of workers and soldiers who were unhappy with the poverty as a result of Tsar's decisions, sick of the war, shortages and high prices. The result of this revolution was the abdication of Russian's Monarchy, creating the Russian Republic. This established a dual power composed by the Petrograd Soviets and Provision Government (replacement of Council of Ministers)
  • April Theses

    April Theses
    They're a series of directives issued by Lenin, who wrote them after his exile in Switzerland. The theses included, not to co-operate with the Provision Government, oposition of First World War, because of bourgeois interests among governments, ... Later, these theses will be the responsible for the next "October Revolution"
  • July Days

    July Days
    They were spontaneous demostrations, in Petrogrand. The participants in thes revolution were: soldiers and industrial workers against the Russian Provisional Government. Finally, the result of this revolution was the victory of the Government and the arrest of Bolsheviks, sailors and workers.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    This revolution was led by Lenin, who was based in Marx's ideas (Capitalism was wrong- Marxism). The participants of this revolt were the Read Army and the Bolsheviks against the Provisional Government. The result of this revolt was the Bolshevik's victory also bringing:
    - The creation of Soviet Russia
    -The end of the Provisonal Governmen, also dissapearing the dual power and the Russian Republic.
    -Like this revolutions wasn't recognized as very strong, so the Russian Civil War will start.
  • New Greogrian Calendar

    New Greogrian Calendar
    Actually on 14th February, some Soviet's areas changed the calendar, and the rest would change it, two years later. The predecessor was the Julian Calendar.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This was a treaty signed between Soviet Russia and the Central Powers. In this treaty the Bolsheviks signed the treaty with Germany to finish the war against them. The Bolsheviks were forced to signed it because they hoped to delay the peace treaties because they thought there might be a Communist revolution in Germany, but on the other hand this didn’t occured and the German armies start advancing, so the Bolsheviks quickly agreed to sign it.
  • War Communism

    War Communism
    This was a new political an economic system, which existed during the Russian Civil War(1918-1921). It was adopted by the Bolsheviks and the features were: farms and factories under the control of the state, food taken for soldiers and industrial workers, secret police executed enemies of the state, industrial workers weren't allowed to go on strike and everyone between 16-60 had to work, except for the sick and pregnant. It will end the 21st march 1921, with the beginning of the NEP
  • Russian Constitution

    Russian Constitution
    This constitution was the first which ruled in the Soviet Russia. Informally, it recognized the workers such the the governors of Russia. The workers formed a political alliance with the peasants. But it deneid the right for the upper class, or whose supported the White during the Civil War to take part in elections or have political power.
  • Nicholas's execution

    Nicholas's execution
    Nicholas, his family and some and four member of his personal entourage were kille, executed in a Yekaterinburg, a city in the Ural Mountains. They were killed by the Bolsheviks without a trial. This was as a result of his absolutism, and his late reforms.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    It was a war between the Red Army and the White Army. It took place in the former Russian Empire. The result was the victory of the Red Army, because the white army was divided, so they couldn't coordinate the attacks, the Patriotics supported the Red Army, and the Red Army had the controll of the main cities. But on the other hand the other result was famine and decline.
  • Armistice with Germany

    Armistice with Germany
    It was an agreement which marked the end of fighting of the First World War. Including the victory of allies and the total defeat of Germany.
  • Treaty of Tartu

    Treaty of Tartu
    This treaty was signed by the Soviet Russia and Estonia and Finland. it was signed after the Civil War in Finland and after a war between the Bolshevik and Estonia. The treaty recognized the independence of Estonia, solving the disputes and some issues based on delineation of borders and the transfer of property.
  • Treaty of Riga

    Treaty of Riga
    It was a treaty of peace signed among the Soviet Russica, the Soviet Ukraine and Poland. It brought economical advantages, Poland received money and material to build railways and also acquires some territories. Both sides renounced claims to war compensation.
  • Battle of Warsaw

    Battle of Warsaw
    It was the war between Poland and Soviet Russia, which started early the end of the First World War. In the war, the Red Army looked the winner, but they just fell into the trap, because Poland started attacking the most weak part of the Red Army. This was the cause, to make a treaty of peace between Poland and the Soviet Russia.
  • Kronstadt Rebellion

    Kronstadt Rebellion
    The uprising was between the sailors and the Bolsheviks. The sailors were unhappy with the lack of progress, the famine and the terror: they mutinied and seized the base near Petrograd. The result of that rebellion was the Bolshevik victory and the repression of the rebellion. The victory from the Bolsheviks led to the execution of many rebels, considered as traitors. And many of them were also killed during the battle.
  • NEP( New Economic Policy)

    NEP( New Economic Policy)
    It was a new economic policy proposed by Lenin, which was made to rise up the economy after the Civil War. The main feautures were that peasants could sell surplus food produce and pay tax on profits, allow small business so they couldmake a profit and the vital industries stayed in state hands, but extra wages were paid for efficiency. The results of it were the recovery of the economy.
  • Soviet Union's Constitution

    Soviet Union's Constitution
    They are all the contitutions which ruled in the Soviet Union between his foundation in 1922 and his dissolution in 1991. These constituions were useful for other Socialists' constituions, and nowadays we still see it in some coutries.
  • Treaty on the Creation of the USSR

    Treaty on the Creation of the USSR
    This treaty legalized the creation of the Soviet Union as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR). This treaty was signed by theranscaucasian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR. It meant the approvement the Declaration and Creation of the Soviet Union.
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union was a constitutionally communist state that existed until 1991,it was ruled by the Communist Party, At beginning it was just spread throught Russia, but after the World War II it was widespread throught Eurasia. The government is based on the union, the Marxist-Leninist, single-party state. In 1991, the Soiet Union fell, and mostly all the republics agreed the dissolution of it. So, in 1991, it was signed a treaty, where it was said that the Soviet Union was legally ended.
  • Lenin's Death

    Lenin's Death
    After several heart attacks and the stress of political charge, he finally died aged 53 as a result of arteriosclerosi, but probably he may have had Sifilis.
  • The Five Year Plan

    The Five Year Plan
    They were a serie of international proyects which looked for the god development of the Soviet Union's Economy. The aim of it was to have a heavy industry in coal, steel, railways electricity, machinery... And later the production was lower than the targets, but there was a remarkable growth in outputs. And in addition some factories were built beyond the Ural Mountains, so any western invader couldn’t reach them easily. This ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
  • Shakhty Trial

    Shakhty Trial
    This trial was one of the first most important Soviet Trial. The coal started falling and this caused some problems because police arrested a group of engineers who were accused of conspiring to sabotage the Soviet economy. Because they were conspiring with former coal mines' owners. The result of it was 5 of the 53 accused, sentenced to die, and the rest were moved to the prison.
  • Collectivization

    It was a policy imposed by Stalin, which consisted in consolidate individual land and labour into collective farms. It was seen as the solution to the farming distribution crisis. The way of working was: the Land was pooled together so peasants worked together in harvest an then some was sold to government at low fixed price and some kept by peasants. But many kulas opposed it, bacause they just had to looked for the state and not for them. But the comnism said it was Comunism in practice.
  • Great Purge

    Great Purge
    It was seen as the Stalin’s way to finish with his enemies. It was a political repression and persecution carried out by the Soviet Union, who persecuted to socialists, anarchists and opponents members, but some of them were sent to trial, to prison, but some of them were executed or sent to concentration camps. It was crucial to consolidate the power of Stalin.
  • Winter War

    Winter War
    It was a military conflic between Finland and the Soviet Union, which took place in the Eastern Finland, as a result of a Russian offenive. The result of this war was a Moscow Peace Treaty signed between them. It marked the end of 105-day winter war, even the Red Army displayed a finnish flag.
  • Soviet Famine

    Soviet Famine
    It affected the major grain-producing areas of the Soviet Union, as a result the deaths of millions people in those areas and severe food insecurity happened. The areas were Ukraine, Northern Caucasus, Volga Region and Kazakhstan,the South Urals, and West Siberia.The famine in the Ukrainian Soviet was called Holodomor.
  • Moscow Trials

    Moscow Trials
    They were a serie of trials which was supposed to be a conspiring with the western powers to assassinate Stalin and other Soviet leaders,and restore capitalism. The result of this was the execution of many of the defendants, including most of Old Bolsheviks. The trials are generally seen as part of Stalin's Great Purge.
  • Stalin's Constitution Approbation

    Stalin's Constitution Approbation
    This constitution revokes voting restristions, right for working, In addition, the constitution recognizes economic rights, such as right to work, rest and recreation, health protection, care of old age and sickness, housing, education...
  • Battle of Lake Khasan

    Battle of Lake Khasan
    This battle was fought between the Soviet Union and the Empire of Japan, because some troops tried to occupy an area who was bad delimited between Russia and the Qing Dinasty. And the result was the Soviet victory in "Statu quo ante bellum". Everything was like before start the war.
  • Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

    Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
    It was a Nazi-Soviet Non- Agression Pact., signed in Moscow. The Pact assured that the Soviet Union didn't involve in a Europe War, but at the same time Germany had to separate from Japan, in order to that Stalin could concentrate on Japan Battles. It remined in effect until 1941, when Germany decided to invade the Soviet Union.
  • Soviet Invansion of Poland

    Soviet Invansion of Poland
    It was a Soviet military operation that started without a formal declaration of war. Due to the pact, Poland and Germany made Germany started invadinf one area of Poland and the Soviet Union did the same with the other one. The resut of this Invansion was the Soviet Victory, which contributed to the beginning of the World War II. And the eastern Polar annexed to the Soviet Union, because it was the area he was invading.
  • Katyn Massacre

    Katyn Massacre
    It was a mass execution of polish nationals, carried ouot durind the World War II. The people executed were accused of espionage aby the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs. But this genocides, was signed by four members of the Soviet Politburo. The shocking end of this was 22000 deaths.
  • End of Russian Revolution

    End of Russian Revolution
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    It was the invansion plan made for Hitler in orde to invade the Soviet Union. This operation opened the Eastern Front, which was the largest theater of war, tbeing scenery of the biggest battles and brutal conflict in Europe. But when the winter arrived in the Soviet Union, despite all the losses and the long territories lost, the snow ended with Hitler's plans ans the Red Army could attack. The result was the defeat of the allies and Germany due to the strategic operation of the Red Army.
  • Siego of Leningrand

    Siego of Leningrand
    It was a military action which took place in Leningrado, in which Germany mainly searched to take the control over the city. But the Sovietics started defending the surrounding of the city, covering the historical monuments and putting bombs. But Hitler decided to close the city and leave them dying from famine. Many people died, everytime there was more cannibalism, they ate even cats and pigeon. But finally Hitler decided to withdraw and it was considered the Soviet Union's victory.