Ruby Bridges time line by:Danna Orbe

  • U.S. supreme court bans segregation in public schools.

    U.S. supreme court bans segregation in public schools.
  • Ruby was born in Mississipi, four years later htey moved to Ñew Orlands.

  • Rosa Parks refused to give a seat to a white person

    Rosa Parks refused to give a seat to a white person
  • After more than a year of boycotting

    After more than a year of boycotting
    the buses and the legal fight , the Montgomery desegregation
  • Federal court forced the desegregation

    Federal court forced the desegregation
    of schools in hte south
  • the first day of school for Ruby Bridges

    the first day of school for Ruby Bridges
  • Freedom rids begin from washington, D.C.

    Freedom rids begin from washington, D.C.
  • Apoliceman arrest civil rights Leader Rev.

    Apoliceman arrest civil rights Leader Rev.
  • President JohnF Kennedy calls for Civil Right Act

    President JohnF Kennedy calls for Civil Right Act
  • President Jonh F Kennedy was shot dead

    President Jonh F Kennedy was shot dead
  • Norman Rockwell painted a paingting called "The problem we all live with"

    Norman Rockwell painted a paingting called "The problem we all live with"
  • President Jonhson signs the Civil Rights Act

    President Jonhson signs the Civil Rights Act
  • Black Nationalist Leader Malcolm is murdered.

    Black Nationalist Leader Malcolm is murdered.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated.

    Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated.
  • the story of Ruby Bridges was published

    the story of Ruby Bridges was published