Elf ranger

Ront Fairweather

  • 1 CE

    Mother: Britora Fairweather

    The head of the family, She worked her entire life in supporting roles in the industrial branch of governance, eventually rising to its head. She was well respected, until a mistake on her watch leading to the death of 50, the worst accident in years. Following this she was found guilty of negligence and therefore treason, she was summarily ejected through the airlock into the depths. Ront remembers little of her, having lost her when he was 42, 8 relative.
  • 1 CE

    Father: Daxis Fairweather

    Daxis worked in a more supporting role in the house as Ront grew up. He was still required to work, but as his wife was a minister the family was treated more fair than others. Ront was closer to as his father, as his father taught him lessons in the bow and general studies. Soon after his wifes execution he gave in to drink and whatever else he could find to numb himself. He died within a year of starting this downward spiral. Ront hated his father for his weakness for most of his early life,
  • Period: 1 CE to 187

    Ront Fairweather

    Ront is a middle aged Eladrin elf at 187, roughly 38 in human years. A bit short for elves at 5'11", with trimmed and well kept short black hair, think military cut, and muted green eyes that nonetheless pop against his pale skin. He comes from a line of nobles but that was before the mage wars, and he knows little of his family's history. He's a person who has started to doubt the system of governance and rule in Xeldoterra, and the introduction of outsiders will only embolden this doubt.
  • 42

    The execution of Britora

    It was found that in order to boost the preformance of her sector, Britora had been abusing workers shift schedules. Causing many workers to come in ill-prepared for the dangers of underwater construction. Her guilt was made known to the city, and the anger of the city was focused on the family.
  • Period: 42 to 80


    Ront was taken in by the security minister, Durvin Borekson. His skill with the bow was further honed and well as his sword fighting with his fathers rapier. His hatred for his parents for their respective weakness and treason was stoked on and used to make him blindly obedient to the state, and more importantly Durvin.

    Durvin drove one mantra into Ront, Anything and everything for stability and survival of Xeldotera
  • Period: 80 to 125

    Durvin Borekson's Group

    During this time Ront worked for Durvin Borekson, the police minister. He ruthlessly shut down everything from black market rings, violent crime, and rebel groups. Though being a rebel only meant being an "active" threat to society, not necessarily a violent threat. This group was used to as tool heavily to suppress dissent during the famine. During this time the group became more widely known and faced heavy criticism, leading to its dissolution in the year following the famine end.
  • Period: 116 to 124

    The Dark Years Famine Part 2

    To save the greater community, the council and elders of the community made the decision to make use those deemed a "burden" to the society (crippled, elderly, terminally ill) as a means of sustenance. Theses individuals were gathered monthly through a lottery or volunteering system. Between those who died of starvation, those sacrificed, and deaths due to civil unrest, the population decreased to 1500-2000 in a matter of two years.
  • Period: 116 to 124

    The Dark Years Famine Part 3

    Relief was found when Science Minister Franz was able to develop a new alternative food source thanks to the discovery of "The Well." On the day this was announced, the first Curium Cnidarian migration was witnessed. Some saw these creatures' luminescent glow as a sign the spirits of those lost are always watching over the city.
  • Period: 116 to 124

    The Dark Years Famine Part 1

    Once a population of about 5000-7500, Xeldoterra saw their population significantly decrease after the volcanic eruption and subsequent famine. After the environmental impact, the city only had enough rations to feed the population for 3 months. They first attempted to stretch resources, but it was not a long term solution.
  • 125

    The death of the security minister

    He passes, the new minister, probably current, is less heavy handed in his approach, not to mention the terror struck in the prior response and the cessation of the blight have removed the needs for such tactic. While Ront is not considered having done anything wrong, being seen as the pupil in some ways of the previous minister he is pushed out of his current National Security type role
  • Period: 125 to 143

    "Beat Cop"

    After the events following the death of the previous head of security, Ront went to work in the stand security, chosing to join in as a standard low level beat cop.
    These were good time for Ront, as he started to have friends and grown beyond being merely a tool for somebody else.
  • Period: 143 to 187


    Ront eventually left the standard police and became an investigator. While actively disliked by the current police minister, it was a waste of resources to not use Ronts talents for Xeldoterra.
    Most of Ronts time has been spent breaking up criminal rings, ranging from petty thief's, to burglars and drug runners. He also is dispatched on man hunts whenever a prisoner escapes or suspect is wanted for important questioning.
  • 187

    Ront Joins In

    Ront joins the party, what could possibly go wrong?