Road to Revolution

  • 1.) Treaty of Paris

    British concessions to france in the west indies.
  • 2.) The Sugar Act

    2.) The Sugar Act
    Colonial merchants were required to pay a tax on each gallon of foreign molasses.
  • 3.) Proclamation Act

    3.) Proclamation Act
    Forbade settlement past line of the appalachian mountains.
  • 4.) The Stamp Act

    Legal and commercial documents had to have a stamp.
  • 5.) Quartering Act

    American colonists were forced to provide accommodations for British soldiers.
  • Period: to

    6.) Stamp Act Congress

    First gathering of elected representatives of American Colonies.
  • 7.) Declaration of Rights and Grievances

    Declared that taxes placed on british colonists without formal consent was unconstitutional.
  • Period: to

    9.) Common Sense

    Pamphlet written to inspire the people in the 13 colonies to fight for independence. Thomas Paine wrote it January 1, 1766 and was published on February 14, 1766.
  • 8.) Stamp Act Repealed

    Colonial opposition led to the repeal.
  • 10.) Declaratory Act

    Accompanied the repeal of The Stamp Act.
  • Period: to

    11.) Townshed Acts

    Series of acts passed by the parliament of Great Britain.
  • 12.) Boston Massacre

    12.) Boston Massacre
    Street fight that occurred between a patriot mob and several british soldiers.
  • 13.) Committee of Correspondence

    Shadow governments organized by leaders of the patriots.
  • 14.) Tea Act

    14.) Tea Act
    Meant to reduce the massive surplus of tea held by british east india company.
  • 15.) Olive Branch Petition

    Adopted by the second continental congress in an attempt for the 13 colonies and great britain to avoid war.
  • 16.) Boston Tea Party

    16.) Boston Tea Party
    Political protest by the sons of liberty where tea was dumped into boston harbor.
  • 17.) Intolerable Acts

    American name for series of laws passed after the Boston tea party.
  • Period: to

    18.) First Continental Congress

    Delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia.
  • 19.) Lexington and Concord

    19.) Lexington and Concord
    First military engagement in the american revolutionary war.
  • 20.) Bunker Hill

    20.) Bunker Hill
    The British capture Charlestown, Peninsula.
  • 21.) Declaration of Independence

    21.) Declaration of Independence
    A formal statement declaring the freedom of the American colonies from Great Britain.