Road to Revolution

  • Treaty of paris

    The treaty of paris was a treaty that defined the boundaries for each of the colonies and areas, the treaty of paris ended the french and indian war.
  • Period: to

    Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's rebellion was a dissatisfaction with the British role. The rebellion was led by Ottowan leader called Pontiac. On July 26 (1766) Pontiac signed treaty (diplomatic solution) this was a treaty not surrender
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation was a Parliament that said no settlement was to take place west of Appalachian Mountains
  • Sugar act

    The sugar act was tax on importing sugar (molasses), wine & coffee. Sugar tax was half molasses tax but colonists refuse to pay it
  • Stamp act

    The stamp act was the first direct act. It required stamp tax on all legal documents, newspaper, pamphlets, playing cards, dice and all other printed material. This act affected the "right" people and they started a rebellion.
  • Quartering act

    The quartering act was an act saying that colonists had to supply British troops (soldiers) with shelter bedding, food, beer, cider and rum