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Road to 9/11

  • Al-Queda

    In the 1980's, Al-Qaeda formed when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Al Qaeda was led and financed by a very wealthy, radical, Sunni Muslim, Osama bin Laden.
  • Desert Storm

    Desert Storm
    In 1990, the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Hussein's invasion caused the United Sates to fear of an invasion on Saudi Arabia. The United States asked Saudi's for permission to establish military bases in their country. However, bin Laden offered Saudi's use of his weapons and soldiers to fight the Iraqi army.
  • Osama bin Laden heads to Sudan

    Osama bin Laden heads to Sudan
    In 1991, Osama bin Laden leaves everything in Saudi Arabia fir Sudan.
  • Troops sent to Somalia

    Troops sent to Somalia
    George W. Bush sent 28,000 troops to Somalia to help the people who were held hostage by war lords.
  • Black Hawk Down

    Black Hawk Down
    In 1993, 18 American solders died when they were taken down in their black hawk helicopters. The helicopters were shot down over Mogadishu, Somalia. The United States thinks that bin Laden and Al-Qaeda taught the Somalians how to fight and eventually found out that bin Laden was involved.
  • 1st World Trade Center bombing

    1st World Trade Center bombing
    In 1993, their was an attempt to blow up the World Trade Center from below. Two men from Pakistan parked a van filled with 1336 lbs of explosives and air tanks in the bottom garage. The explosive killed 6 and wounded over 1000 people. The explosive was intended to bomb the north tower and fall into the south tower, however this failed.
  • Osama bin Laden returns to Afghanistan

    Osama bin Laden returns to Afghanistan
    In 1996, Sudan decided that they no longer wanted bin Laden in their country so they sent him back to Afghanistan. At the time, Afghanistan was led by Mullah what led the Taliban.
  • Car Bomb of Khobar Towers

    Car Bomb of Khobar Towers
    In 1996, a car with thousands of pounds of explosive was parked beneath the Khobar Towers of Saudi Arabia. These towers housed many US soldiers and 19 Americans were killed along with hundreds who were injured.
  • Osama bin Laden declared War on America

    Osama bin Laden declared War on America
    In late 1998, Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States of America. Little did we know that this war would still be going on twenty years later still with no winner.
  • Embassy Bombings

    Embassy Bombings
    In 1998, Osama bin Laden was accused by the United States for the bombing of the US Embassies. The bombings were in Kenya and Tanzania where 220 people were killed. After these bombings, bin Laden became a household name and he became one of the top 10 most wanted people of the FBI. The results of these bombings was President Clinton's response with missiles.
  • Millennium Attacks

    Millennium Attacks
    The Millennium Attacks were four planned attacks for Al-Qaeda. All these attacks were originally attempts and those who attempted to bomb, were arrested.
  • USS Cole Bombing

    USS Cole Bombing
    In 2000, a US navy ship, the USS Cole, was plummeted by a floater boat with explosives on it while in a port in Yemen. The floater boat was from Yemen who was sponsored by Sudan to do the damage. 17 sailors were killed and 38 were wounded.
  • 9/11

    The morning of September 11, 2001, the two towers of the world trade center were crashes into by hijacked planes. Throughout the whole day, there were a total of 4 planes that were hijacked. Another plane crashed into the pentagon killing many people. The fourth was taken over by american passengers and crashed into the forest. The hijackers were part of Al-Qaeda and worked for Osama bin Laden. The attack on the world trade center killed almost 3000 people and wounded much more.