Riker's High

  • When Martin Gets Arrested

    When Martin Gets Arrested
    Martin gets arrested because a cop disguised as an intimidating man asks him where he can get marijuana. Martin is sort of scared and he tells him of a place he knows of. Five minutes later a police car drives up and some cops handcuffs him
  • Court apointment!

    Court apointment!
    Martin has a court apointment to see if he can get out of Riker's High. He rides the bus shackled to annother student like all the inmates do. It makes it harder for them get into any kind of shennanigans. it turns out the the judge that was for Martin's case is out sick and he has to come back in a few weeks.
  • Razors and crazy kids...

    Razors and crazy kids...
    When the inmates are about to leave the courthouse one kid has a razor with him and decided it would be fun to cut Martin with it. A fight happens and he gets a bloody cut down the side of his face thats sure to leave a scar.
  • damaged face

    damaged face
    Martin spends time in the hospital part o Riker's island. When Inmates are in the hosipital, they are chained to they're beds. The razor cut that goes from his hair to his chin is bandaged, but it's still painful.
  • Moving

    Martin gets moved to a different part of Riker's island. Johnson, a CO in that sprung, Afterr getting the rules gruffly explained to him, and a slap in the ribs from Johnson, Martin is told he will still be forty, which was his number from his old sprung.
  • Visit

    Martin's mother visits him in prison. She tells him about his little sisyter'd good grades and parts in the school play, and how his Grandma's asthma is getting worse . She says she can see the hatred in his eyes and says not to let it. She doesn't want martin to end up like his father, who went to jail for nearly killing a man. Martin's little sisters made a drawing for him, depicting everyone in the family standing in front of the apartment building except for Martin's dad.
  • School starts!

    School starts!
    Martin is going to be doing some adcademics during his time at Riker's high. The pecncils are not usually given to the inmates, for fear that they will use them as weapons, but the boys get them for their exams.
  • Suicide

    Sanchez is a boy who's bed is next to Martin's. He wants to fake attempted suicide. There are kids who stay up at night on "Midnight suicide" making sure nobgody kills themself. They do it because if they catch somone and tell the COs they get $150 reward for saving them. Sanchez made a deal with the midnight suicide kids to split the reward money they got. Sanchez made a noose out of bedsheets and crept into the bathroom at night. He then tied the blankets to the water pipe and hung himself
  • Dead.

    Everyone is in glum mood when they find out Sanchez died. Wheather him actually killing himself was an accident, or the stress became to much for him, they'll never know because now Sanchez is dead.
  • Wrath (contiued)

    Wrath (contiued)
    Martin hesitates because his mom says she doesn't want him holding onto hate. His father is already in prison for assualt, so Martin doesn't want to end up like him. He does fight the dude with the spiderweb tatoo, but he throws the razor balde down.
  • Free!

    The judge decides that Martin can be released from Riker's but he has to go to a a drug program on saturday mornings and gets a year odf probation. There is a sequal to this book but I haven't read it so I don't know what happens after that.
  • Wrath!

    When it's Martin's time to go back to court, every inmate is put in "the pen" a caged area where you wait before it's your turn. In the pen he sees the kid with the spiderweb tatoo who gave him the scar on his face. The kid is starting up a fight with some other dudes. Appearently this kid cuts alot of people. Somone pushes a razor blade into his palm and tells him to use it on the tatooed guy. For a second, Martin is about to slice the dude with it, but hesitates.