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Karl Popper_Timeline

  • Birth

    Karl Popper is one of the most influential scientific philosophers of the 20th Century. Born in Vienna, Austria-Hungry to Jewish parents, Simon Siegmund Popper and Jenny Schiff.
  • Academic Life

    Academic Life
    At age 16 Karl Popper departed school so that he could study at the University of Vienna as a guess student. Karl Popper would become an official student at the University of Vienna in 1922, eventually earning his Doctorate in Psychology in 1928.
  • The Open Society and Its Enemies Published

    The Open Society and Its Enemies Published
    While at the Canterbury University College within the University of New Zealand, Christchurch, Karl Popper would publish his work “The Open Society and Its Enemies”. The book was a defense for Open Western Liberal Society’s right to defend against attackers who would utilize Liberal Values against the Liberal Society itself.
  • Conjectures and Refutations

    Conjectures and Refutations
    Karl Popper’s greatest contribution to the scientific world was his philosophy of falsification. Popper observed the flawed methods being used by many scientists, and suggested that the most accurate way to prove a hypothesis was for the researcher to go out of their way to refute their hypothesis. Popper viewed this as the best way to combat the confirmation bias inherent in all hypotheses.
  • Death

    Kenley, London, England
    On 17 September 1994, Karl Popper would die due to complications of cancer, pneumonia, and kidney failure. Popper would leave behind a legacy as the driving force behind Philosophy of Science becoming its own discipline within Philosophy. After cremation, his ashes were taken and buried in Vienna.