Revolutionary War

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Taxed the colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used.
  • Period: to

    Townshend Act

    Imposed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea imported into the colonies.
  • Boston Massacre

    street fight between the colonists and the british, and several colonists were killed by the british during this event.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Result of the Boston Tea Party to punish the colonists for their actions. They blocked ports, no more town meetings, and put colonists on trial.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Met after the Battle of Lexington and Concord and they formed the Continental Army and chose George Washington to be Commander-in-Chief of the army.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle that had a lot of hand-to-hand combat because the Americans were low on ammunition and the british kept coming in massive waves.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Letter to King George III to try and prevent a war for independence against Britain.
  • Common Sense is published

    Book written by Thomas Paine that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to fight for independence against Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Document written by Thomas Jefferson that declared independence for the colonists.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Physical and moral victory for George Washington for a battle that took place in Trenton, New Jersey against Hessian and British troops.
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    Battle of Saratoga

    Battle that convinced the French to form an alliance with the colonists. It is also considered to be the turning point in the American Revolution.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Final battle of the American Revolution with the alliance of the French and the colonists fighting the British and brings a victory to the colonists and the French.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Yorktown

    Treaty signed in Paris that brought an official end to the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty signed in Paris that brought an official end to the Revolutionary War.