René-Auguste Caillié

  • René-Auguste Caillié was born

    René-Auguste Caillié  was born
    René-Auguste Caillié was born in 1799 and at the age of eleven his mom died in 1810. He was born in a poor family and couldn't really get good education becuase he was poor.
  • Period: to

    René-Auguste Caillié

  • Legends

    Even though René didn't have alot of money he some how learned the storys that Robin Cruseo told about the city Timbuktu. The storys that he told were said to be a legend and the legends that he told was that the city had alot of gold in it.
  • Russian army

    Russian army
    A Russian army attacked some of the frech solders on the bourders of Moscow alot of the french solders were killed in the battle they had.
  • Going to Africa

    Going to Africa
    When René left home when he was sixteen years old René went to Senegal to eatn more money and to get fame. René also went to Senegal twice before he turned twenty years old.
  • when René started to traveled

    when René started to traveled
    René started to travel at the age of sixeen and before he retired he visited alot of villages. These are the villages he traveled to Senegal,Guadeloupe,Rio Nuñez and also the Windward islands.
  • Preparing for the long journy ahead to Timbuktu

    Preparing for the long journy ahead to Timbuktu
    René began preparing for his journy to timbuktu in 1818 when he was orphined. He began to prepare by learning Arabic and studying Islam. He was orphined becuase his father got sent to prison the same year his mom died.
  • Expedition life

    Expedition life
    On his way to Timbuktu René didn't have a very bad journy at all exept for the parts when he fell of a camel and he was sick for five monthes. He traveled by camel and he had to site in the camel the whole entire time so he was really happy when he saw the city gates of Timbuktu.
  • Arriving in Timbuktu

    Arriving in Timbuktu
    At the arrival in TImbuktu René was so surprised becuase the houses in timbuktu were made out of stone and clay. They didn't have any gold at all and everyone in the village was poor and didn't have alot of money. René expected the village to have alot of gold but instead of gold he got nothing at all.
  • Coming home

    Coming home
    In October 1828 René came back to his home country in the west side of France in the town he was born in Mauzé. When he told the French soldiers about the journy to Tinbuktu they wouldn't believe him so they didn't let him see the French counsle. So the counsle had to see him in secret at night so no one knew about it.
  • Rene callies death

    Rene callies death
    Before Renes death he lived in a small house in Mauze on the west side of France .Rene died on may the 17th because of an unown sickniss.