
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Ayutthaya Creation

    King Ramthibodi or U thong created the kingdom ayutthaya which was the start of a new era for Thailand. Ayutthaya went on for about 500 years during the thai history and is now a city around the central of Thailand.
    This event is significance because ayutthaya was a when thailand was at war with burma and so this means that they have started a new era with many thing. This showed ingenuity because the city was between rivers so it was hard to reach and it was perfect for war.
  • Jan 1, 1436

    Flippo Brunelleschi (Picture: Portrait of Flippo)

    Flippo Brunelleschi (Picture: Portrait of Flippo)
    Flippo was an architect. He made many building such as the Santa Maria dome which inspired many people. His buildings were also modeled by many other architects both during that time and nowadays.
    His work was significant because he used many different types of things to create his building like arches or new scaffoldings so his buildings impacted people in building things in different ways.
  • Jan 1, 1446

    Guillaume Dufay (Picture: Portrait of Dufay)

    Guillaume Dufay (Picture: Portrait of Dufay)
    Guillaume Dufay was a musician. He changed many different things in music that people didn't usually do. He also added harmony in the music not just a melody to make the music flow.
    This is significant because if he didn't try new things in music, there wouldn't be songs new songs because a few classic songs came from his ideas to add things into music to make it sound contrasting.
  • Jan 1, 1448

    Printing Press Invented (Picture: Portrait of Johann Gutenburg creator of printing press)

    Printing Press Invented (Picture: Portrait of Johann Gutenburg creator of printing press)
    Johann Gutenburg was a blacksmith, goldsmith and a publisher. He was the person that invented the printing press which was used to print books. If we didn't have the printing press we would have to write books with our hands.
    His inventions was significant because we could print lots of book with it but if it wasn't made, people would have to write books with hands so they won't make as books as they do now and people would gain less knowledge becasue there are not enough books.
  • Apr 14, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci (picture: Portrait of Leonardo)

    Leonardo Da Vinci (picture: Portrait of Leonardo)
    Leonardo Da Vinci did many things. He was a scientist, inventor, artist and many more. He was the one that painted the "Mona Lisa" and he also invented many things like the cannon and found out things about the human body.
    His ideas were special becasue they were developed into newer ideas like how the parachute from his note changed into the ones right now. His paintings inspired artists on how they everyone has there own emotions. So overall he solved many problems and achieved many things.
  • Jan 1, 1469

    Niccolo Machiaveli (Picture: Portrait of Machiavelli)

    Niccolo Machiaveli  (Picture: Portrait of Machiavelli)
    Machiavelli was a politician, diplomat and a philospher. He talked about how to be a good ruler by saying we don't have to be nice all the time but we could use power or cheat to force other people to work for us. He also wrote the book "The Prince" which showed these things.
    His ideas were significant because the way he said about being a good ruler was different from other people so a few people used his thoughts like Thaksin by paying other people to work for them.
  • Jan 1, 1473

    Nicolas Copernicus (Picture: Portrait of Copernicus)

    Nicolas Copernicus (Picture: Portrait of Copernicus)
    Nicolas Copernicus was an astronomist. He was the person that found out that the planets did not revovle around the earth but they revolved around the sun. He also said that the earth is tilted not straight.
    This is significant because we could use his ideas for futher discoveries for astronomy and also if we didn't have his ideas we would have thought differently so we would have troubles going up into space and exploring other planets
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Colombus (Picture: Portrait of Chrsitopher)

    Christopher Colombus (Picture: Portrait of Chrsitopher)
    Christopher Colombus was an explorer. He was the one that found central america and also a bit of south america. He found it by accident since his journey was to go to india. He went there four times.
    This was significant becasue Colombus found a new land and which lead to new countries like Mexico, Haiti etc. So if he hadn't explored those areas, we wouldn't have many countries as we have right now.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan (Picture: Portrait of Ferdinand)

    Ferdinand Magellan (Picture: Portrait of Ferdinand)
    Ferdinand Magellan was an explorer. He went on a ship around the world to prove that the world was round. Though he did not make it to the end of the trip because he died in an island, he was still recorded becasue he was the leader of the ship.
    This was significance because people started to create trade routes and started exploring more places. It affects nowadays because people started exploring more places so we could know where is where and navigate correctly.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    Henry VIII (Picture: Portrait of Henry VIII)

    Henry VIII (Picture: Portrait of Henry VIII)
    Made the protestant church which had a rule about marriage and divorce that was different from the Catholic Church and a few other things. His rules about marriage is still applied now and if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have more freedom from the catholic church like we are now so henry VIII is an important person
  • Jan 1, 1537

    Geradus Mercator (Picture: Mercator making globe)

    Geradus Mercator (Picture: Mercator making globe)
    Geradus Mercator was a map maker. He made a map that used longitudes and latitudes so they were accurate. The maps he made were used by sailors for navigation and trade routes.
    His maps were significant because they were the first maps to use the longitude and latitude so, his maps are stilled used nowadays for navigation in real life but it is modified a bit.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Andreas Vesalius (Picture: Portrait of Andreas Vesalius)

    Andreas Vesalius  (Picture: Portrait of Andreas Vesalius)
    Andreas Vesalius was an human anatomist. He was the person that corrected people's on the ideas about how the human bodies work and about the systems of it. Before, they believed in a greek surgeon named "Galen" which had ideas about the human body.
    His ideas are significance because now people could understand how the human body works and people could make use with this knowledge for example, people could develop correct medicines for healing the human body or so we could do the correct surgery
  • Sir John Harrington (Picture: Portrait of Sir John Harrington)

    Sir John Harrington (Picture: Portrait of Sir John Harrington)
    Sir John Harrington was the first person to make the flushing toilet. He only made one for himself and his godmother queen Elizabeth I.
    This was significance because the flushing toilet is a good invention becasue people use it and it is easy to use unlike the old fashion toilet because the way to flush of the waste is easier.
  • William Shakespeare (Picture: Portrait of Shakespeare)

    William Shakespeare (Picture: Portrait of Shakespeare)
    William Shakespeare was a poet and play writer. He wrote many plays that was now made into real movies. He also made up new words that he used through his plays and sonnets.
    This is Significant because he wrote many things that influenced english literature through his plays and poems because his plays are different on how he uses he language and the way he wrote them to make it give out an emotion.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo was an astronomer. He researched about how the planets did not revovle around earth but revovled around the sun backing up Copernicus's ideas and many other astronomy related things.
    His findings are significant becasue they helped people to understand about how things work in space and what is in each planet. He also inspired modern astronomers to research about the planets,find more about how they work and what are in each planets.