Reconstruction of Georgia timeline

  • Freedmen's Bureau

    The Freedmen's Bureau bill , which created the Freedmen's Bureau in March 1865, was intiated by president Abraham Lincoln and was intended to last for one year after the end of the civil war . The Freedmen's Bureau was an important agency of the early Reconstruction , assisting freedmen [freed ex-slaves] in the south . Headed by union army General Oliver o. Howard , the Bureau was operational from 1865 to 1872
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction of Georgia Timeline

    Reconstruction means the act of building again. It was also a time peroid when the sothern states tried to rejoin the union and rebuild their society
  • End of the civil war [appromattax]

    On the morning of 9 Apr. confederate probes tested the union lines and found them to be strong.Lee options were now gone.The actual surrender of the confederate army occured 12 Apr., an overcast wednesday.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassinated

    On the evening of April 14, 1865, while attending a special performance of the comedy ," Our American Cousin", president Abraham Lincoln was shot. Accompaying him at Ford's Theater that night were his wife Mary Todd Lincoln , officer named Major Henry R. Rathbone and Rathbone 's fiancee, Clara Harris . After the play was in progress , a figure with a drawn derringer pistol stepped into the presidential box , aimed, and fired
  • 13th Amendment Ratified

    The 13th Amendment to the United States was outlawed by slavery and involuntary servitude . It was passed by the senate on April 8,1864, by the house of January 31, 1865, and adopted on December 6,1865. It was the first of three Reconstruction Amendments adopted after the American civil war
  • 14th Amendment Ratified

    The 14th Amendment forbidded any state from making laws that would limit rights and privileges of any citizen . Congress requires southern states to ratify it. Also , it guaranteed citizenship and equal rights .
  • 15th Amendment Ratified

    It prohibits each goverment in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizens race , color, or previous condition of servitude .The 15th Amendment opened the door for the elections of African - Americans to US Congress and to southern local and state offices . New southern governments began collecting taxes for local public schools.
  • Georgia Readmitted to the Union

    After a bloody war that pitted families against each other the southern states became part of the union again.These Southern states saw the election of Lincoln as a threat and succeeded from the union. Georgia was the fifth state to succeed from the union and the last state to be readmitted to the union on July 15 , 1870
  • Election of Rutherford B. Hayes

    In 1876, Hayes was elected president in one of the most contentious and hotly disputed elections in American history. Although he lost the popular vote to Democrat Samuel J. Tilden , Hayes won the presidency by the narrowest of margins, after a congressional commission awarded him twenty disputed electoral votes. The result was the Compromise of 1877, in which the Democrats acquiesced to Hayes's election and Hayes accepted the end of military occupation of the south
  • Henry McNeal Turner elected to Senate

    In 1867 , he organized for the republican party in Georgia and the following year was elected a delegate to the Georgia state constitional convention . In the same year he was also elected to the Georgia state legislature .Although 27 African Americans were elected to that body , a coalition of white Democrats and Republicans declared the African American members disqualified and refused to seat them