Recent US History

  • Period: to

    Recent US History

  • OPEC Crisis

    In response to the United States support of Israel, Members of OPEC who sought to control Isael placed oil embargoes on the US. This sent not only the US but Europe as well into a recession.
  • Stagflation

    Describes when inflation is high and there is little economic growth occuring at the same time. This occured after the OPEC oil crisis putting the US into a recession that would be costly to get out of.
  • Ford Pardons Nixon

    In order to put an end to the chaos of Watergate, Ford pardoned Nixon of any crimes he may have commited. This would cause Ford to lose the election in 1976.
  • Helsinki Accords

    Leaders from 35 diferent countries, including the US and the Soviet Union, attended the conference on security and cooperation in Europe. They all signed the Hesinka Act which was meant to revive the detente between the US and Sovciet Union but the Soviet Union didnt follow the act.
  • Panama Canal Treaty

    Signed by President Jimmy Carter and general Omar Torrijos of Panama, it gave the canal over to Panama after 1999.
  • Three Mile Island Incident

    One of the nuclear reactors in the Three Mile Island generating station had a partial meltdown. While no one died, it was the biggest nuclear accident in the US.
  • Camp David Accords

    Egyptian President Anwar El sudat, Israli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and President Jimmy Carter held secret peace nogotiations at Camp David. 13 days later peace agreements were made and signed this would lead to the end of a united arab opposition against Isreal.
  • Moral Majority

    The Moral Majority was a prominent American political organization associated with the christian right.

    This treaty sought to reduce nuclear armsdevelopement in the US and Soviet Union. The treaty was never ratified in the US but was honored regardless until the Soviet Union borke it.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Whebn the US sancutioned the exiled shan of IRan, Iranians attacked and took over the US embassy in Tenran; the hostages were not released till 444 days later. This weakeded the US's stance in the world.
  • Boucott of Olympic in Moscow

    The 1980 Summer Olympics boycott of the Moscow Olympics was a part of a package of actions initiated by the United States to protest the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan.
  • Election of 1980 and the Reagan Revolution

    Reagan defeated Carter in a landslide, 489 to 49 and for the first time in 28 years the Republicans gained control of the Senate.
  • Reaganomics

    Was Regan's economic policy where the tried to reduce government spending, taxrs, regulations, and inflation. This caused the national debt to triple.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor appointed ot supreme court

    She was the first woman appointed to the supreme court in 1981
  • Military action in Grenada and Nicaragua

    AKA Opeation Urgent Fury the US incaded the Caribbean island of Grenada where a violent coup had taken place. the goal of the US was to restorea consitution governmnet and the conflict only lasted a few weeks.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    This was a propossal from president Reagan to use ground and space based systems to protect the US from and attack by nuclear missiles.
  • Breakup of the Soviet Union

    The break up of the Soviet union occured due to the resignation of the President Miknail Gorachev and the replacement of the Russian President Boris Yeltsin. The final touch to the fall of the soviet union was the tearing down of the Berlin wall.
  • Iran Contra Affair an Oliver North

    During Reagans administration in order to return the six american hostages form the hezbollah terriosts he began suppling weapons to Iran.
  • Savings and Loan Scandal

    The savings and bank loans of the 1990s was the failure of the about 750 out of the 2350 savings and loan associations in the US.
  • Operation Desert Shield

    Operation desert shield was called into actoin by George HW Bush on August 7 1990. The plan was to prevent Iraq from invading Saudi Arabia
  • Rodney King Beating

    Rodney King an African American was made famous when he was beaten with excessive force by Los Angeles poliece officers following a car chase.
  • Clinton proposes national health care

    The Clinton health care plan was a 1993 health care reform package proposed by the administration of Bill Clinton.
  • "Dont ask Dont tell"

    The dont ask dont tell was the US policy on gays serving in the military. It prohibited military personel from discriminating.
  • North American Free Trade

    NAFTA is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and The US creating a triletral trade bloc in North America. It came into orce January 1, 1994
  • Newt Gringrich's "Contract with America"

    The contract withAmerica was a document released by the US Republican party during the 1994 election. It detailed the actions the Republicans would take if they recieved the majority in the House of Reps.
  • Soviets invade Afghanistan

    Part of the Cold War, it was fought between Soviet-led Afghan forces against multi-national insurgent groups called the Mujahideen. The insurgents received military training in neighboring Pakistan and China, as well as billions of dollars from the United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and other countries.
  • Clinton scandals and impeachment

    Clinton had lied about relationsips with a White House intern 22 years old and the House began the impeachment hearings. Clinton was the second president to ever be impeached.
  • The election of 2000

    This election is noteworthy because of the conroversy of awarding floridas 25 electoral votes
  • September 11 2001

    The September 11 attack were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks launched by al-Qaeda upon the United States in New York and D.C. on September 11, 2001.
  • War in Afghanistan

    The War in Afghanistan refers to the intervention in the Afghan Civil War by the United States and its allies, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, to dismantle Al-Qaeda