Ray bradbury (1975)  cropped

Ray Bradbury

  • Birth of Ray Bradbury

    Ray Bradbury was born the 22 of august of 1920, on Waukegan, Illinois, United States.
  • The Great Depression

    The great depression suffered on the USA caused a economy crisis, which caused Bradbury's family to move to Los Angeles.
  • Nazis burn books for first time

    This event is very important of Bradbury's life, with these event Ray inspired the topic of his book "Farenheit 451".
  • McCarthyism

    This social period destroyed millions of families that where accused of communism.
  • "Home-coming" wins O. Henry.

    Bradbury's short story wins a place on the O. Henry prize.
  • "The Martian Chronicles" gets out.

    This science fiction short story gets out to the public.
  • "Farenheit 451"

    Ray Bradbury publishes this book, which is inspired on the nazis burning books and the future with the boom of the television.
  • Ray Bradbury's dead

    Ray Bradbury was 91 years old when he died.