
Puerto Rico Language Policy Timeline

By zeli
  • Puerto Rico was invaded and subsequently became a possession of the United States

    Puerto Rico was invaded and subsequently became a possession of the United States
    After the ratification of the Treaty of Paris of 1898, Puerto Rico came under the military control of the United States of America.
  • Creation Of the Department of Instruction in Puerto Rico

    Creation Of the Department of Instruction in Puerto Rico
    In 1900, Foraker Law established the Department of Public Instruction.
  • is increasing use of English in public schools

    is increasing use of English in public schools
    between 1902- 1904
  • Spanish was deleted in schools in P.R.

    Spanish was deleted in schools in P.R.
    English is used as the medium of instruction in all grades. (1905- 1913)

  • Dr. Jose Padin

    Dr. Jose Padin
    First to expose that English is a foreign language from the educational point of view. (1930 - 1937)
  • Spanish prevailed

    Spanish prevailed
    until six grade and the English continued as a second language
  • Dr. Mariano Villalonga

    Dr. Mariano Villalonga
    concluded the discussion of bilingualism, decreeing the teaching of vernacular in all levels of the public school
  • United States signed the Bilingual Education Act

    United States signed the Bilingual Education Act
    United States signed the Bilingual Education Act under the governorship of Luis A Ferrer iin Puerto Rico.
  • Bilingual Education

    Bilingual Education
    bilingual education as we know it worked through the Department of education
  • Dr. Pedro Rosello

    Dr. Pedro Rosello
    the governor of Puerto Rico established an official act where English and Spanish will be considered the official language of Puerto Rico.
  • Today

    more schools are implementing English in a regular basis of their classes