
Puerto Rico Language Policy Timeline

  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Schools in Puerto Rico before the Spanish American war was based on religion, and were given in Spanish.
  • United States took over Puerto Rico

    United States took over Puerto Rico
    Religious education was eliminated and free education was created for the public.
  • The School Policy

    The School Policy
    E of elementary schoolstablished that spanish and English were taught during the first two years concentrating on reading and writing while english reading began in the second year. The last three years,wtorytas administred two periods for English Curriculum and History of the U.S.
  • Foraker Act

    Foraker Act
    English was the means of communications..President Mc Kinley appointed Dr.Martin Brumbaugh at the first commissioner of Education of P.R. He designed a transitional bilingual policy.

    Spanish language was used for all classes and English was given as a subject in all grades.
  • 1Commissioner Roland Faulkner

    1Commissioner Roland Faulkner
    Was ruled out Spanish and Englisgeh ,susbstituiting as the primary language for all grades.
  • Teacher unionized

    Teacher unionized
    protest against English only..They claimed that English language interfering the students education
  • Paul G.Miller Commissioner of Education

    Paul G.Miller Commissioner of Education
    Conducted investigations in the language arts was deficient Miller changed spanish to the language instruction from first through fourth grades,while English was taugh as a special subject.Both language were providing in the fifth grade, later English was the only language taught in schools excepting Spanish clases.
  • The Jones Act

    The Jones Act
    Imposed upon Puerto Rican the citizenship to the United States..Citizenship obligated people resisted the seed of poets,educators and public figures.
  • President Theodore Roosevelt

    President Theodore Roosevelt
    Jose Padin as appointed comissioner by the President Theodore Roosevelt,reinstated spanish as the means of instruction from the first through eight grades through twelfth grades.
  • President Theodore Roosevelt

    President Theodore Roosevelt
    Appointed Blenton S. Winsop as governor.
  • Dr.Jose Gallardo

    Dr.Jose Gallardo
    Dr.Jose Gallardo restrited English to the secondary level.
    He tried to make Puerto Rico BIlingual.He brought materials in English and offerend courses in the public schools.
  • Jose Galiardo

    Jose Galiardo
    He restrited English to the secondary level.
  • Puerto Rico Commonwealth

    Puerto Rico Commonwealth
    Puerto Rico was proclamed of commonwealth.
  • Declared the teaching of English

    Declared the teaching of English
    Commissioner Mariano Villaronga declared the teaching of English as a Second Language a subject and use of spanish as the language of instruction for the first throught twelfth grades in the public school system of Puerto Rico.Its still upholds to this policy in the educational of Puerto Rico.
  • The latest revision to the English Curriculum

    The latest revision to the English Curriculum
    Was directed toward the intellectual development and critical-thinking skills.Priority was given to moral education anddevelopment of values..It was renamed ECA "exploration,conceptualization and application.Serving three purposes Comprehension,Communication, andf Knowledge.
  • Governor Hernandez Colon

    Governor Hernandez Colon
    Signed a bill making spanish the official language of the Goverment of P.R.revolving the law of 1902 ( Makes English and Spanish the official languages)
  • Governor Pedro Rosello

    Governor Pedro Rosello
    Proclaimed that both languages can be used interchangeably.
  • BEC21

    The governor of Puerto Rico implants a Bilingual Programa in the Public Schools called Bilingual Education in the twenty First Century (BEC21).