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Puerto Rico Language Policy Timeline

  • All sugjects in English in the public schools

    The Beginig of the changing policies. The public education was in English.
  • English instruction only in secondary schools

    Comisioner Brumbaugh, President Mckinley's Commisioner of Education on the island were the creators of this policy.
  • Official Language Act

    Granted official status to both English and Spanish as a medium of istruction.
  • Period: to

    English instruction in all grades

    The Language Act was revoked and with it the Spanish and English instruction. The English as a the medium of instruction in all grades was re-stablish
  • Spanish as a medium of instruction in the first four grades

    There was a nationalistic movement for the vernacular tongue, Spanish.
  • Spanish instruction from the first eight grades

    Jose Padin, Commicion of Education introduce this policy.
  • English the language of instruction in all grades

    Blanton S. Winthrop, Governor made this policy.
  • English language of instruction in the secondary schools

    This policy was a modification of Winthrop's policy in 1934.
  • Spanish as the language of instruction in all grades

    Governor Luis Munos Marin, policy indicate that the language of instruction was Spanish in all grades. English was taught as a second language just one period per day.
  • Spanish only

    Created by the Popular Party as an example of a political issues.
  • English and Spanish Official Languages

    A Pro Statehood Party language policy wich established English and Spanish as official Languages in the island.