
Puerto Rico Language Policy

  • US invation

    US invation
    Interesting facts about the invation, done by students in highschool.
  • Public School begin instruction in English

    Public School begin instruction in English
    Classes in Public Schools are taught in English. Dr. John Eaton, Ex-Commissioner of Education of the United States state that teachers in Puerto Rico should learn English.
  • Period: to

    School taught in English

  • Spanish is considered the language of instruction and English would be acquired

    Spanish is considered the language of instruction and English would be  acquired
  • English is emphasized

    English is emphasized
    The assimilation process begins again making English important
  • English is Back!

    The new Commissioner of Education re-established English as the medium of instruction in all grades.
  • Teacher preparation

    Teacher preparation
    540 Teachers were sent to Cornell and Harvard for professional development. Puerto Rican teachers are required to pass an English test.
  • English becomes the official language

    English becomes the official language
    English becomes the official language in the public school system. Teachers are required to pass the English test or will be suspended. Teachers that demonstrated English proficiency were granted a $10.00 raise
  • Spanish becomes the official language of Instrction

    Spanish becomes the official language of Instrction
    From 1916 t0 1934 Spanish become the official language of instruction from first to fourth garage and English is to be taught in half of the classes from fifth grade to the high school level
  • Commissioner Gallardo

    Commissioner  Gallardo
    This Commissioner ordered all the classes to be taught in English
  • Spanish resurrects

    Spanish resurrects
    Main focus in elementary level was Spanish and English was considered another subject
  • Middle School Uses Spanish

    Middle School Uses Spanish
    Spanish is now implemented up to the ninth grade,
  • Commissioner Villaronga

    Commissioner Villaronga
    Villaronga put an end to the long debate and order that all school levels be taught in the vernacular language
  • Bilingual Programs

    Bilingual Programs
    English Projects are converted to English Bilingual Programs because students applied for English Education services.
  • Bilingual programs

    Bilingual Projects are focused on teaching those students who return to Puerto Rico from the United States.

    Bilingual Education is no longer considered a program in the Department of Education. Now they are considered projects and are transferred the to the English department.
  • Autonomous Bilingual Programs

    Autonomous Bilingual Programs
    Jose Arsenio Torres is named director of the Bilingual Education Program. THe Bilingual programs are autonomous

    Governor anounce the “Project to Create a Bilingual Citizen project,
  • Bilingual Programs

    Bilingual Programs
    Department of education retakes the bilingual programs and united the inicial 12 school to give then the support the have never received.