English Literature History

  • 476

    English Literature

    In the days of Elizabeth was organizing the first futile efforts to colonize the new world, English Literature.
  • 476

    Sir Philip Sidney and his Arcadia.

    Sir Philip Sidney had written his Arcadia, first of the great prose romances, and enriched English poetry with his sonnets.
  • 476

    American literature begin

    American literature begins with the orally transmitted myths, legends, tales, and lyrics (always songs) of Indian cultures.
  • Period: 476 to

    Early British Literature (from the middle ages to 1700s)

  • 800

    The Anglo– Saxon.

    The Anglo – Saxon epic spoken poem "Beowulf." A variety of series of adventures tales about fighting of monsters and a hero named Beowulf. Ca 800-1000
  • 1380

    "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer

    "The Canterbury Tales," Written by Geoffrey Chaucer, another series of stories about late medieval cultural diversity. ca 1380.
  • Period: 1500 to

    William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

    The plays and sonnets of William Shakespeare, some of them: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and King Lear. 1500s and 1600s.
  • 1579

    The Shepherd's Calendar.

    Edmund Spenser had composed The Shepherd's Calendar.
  • Literature with heroic lines.

    Christopher Marlowe had established the drama upon heroic lines.
  • Francis Bacon

    The philosopher, Francis Bacon, had published the first of his essays. 1600s
  • King James "the first charter of Virginia"

    King James granted to a company of London merchants the first charter of Virginia.
  • Shakespeare's success.

    Shakespeare had produced some of his greatest plays.
  • Captain John Smith

    Captain John Smith, the mainstay of the Jamestown colony in the critical period of its early existence, was a true soldier, traveled to several places and had a lot of experiences on those, so, he wrote a narrative of his singularly full and adventurous life.
  • "True Relation" by Captain John Smith.

    A book writes by himself, about his life.
  • Pocahontas.

    Smith writes the romantic story of Pocahontas on his book "True Relation".
  • "Paradise Lost"

    John Milton, the blind poet who wrote the allegorical epic "Paradise Lost,” about Lucifer’s story as a fallen angel.
  • "Robinson Crusoe"

    Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, a literature about a travel that turned out to be an imaginary one.
  • Gulliver’s Travels

    Jonathan Swift wrote Gulliver’s Travels, a parody of the Daniel Defoe’s work.
  • Period: to

    Romantic Literature

    Arose different important romantic poets like William Woodsworth, John Keats, Lord Byron, and others.
  • Period: to

    Romantic and Gothic Literature of the 1800s.

    Represent the period of growth of those genres.
  • Jane Austen (romantic literature).

    Jane Austen. Wrote several books (romantic literature), must famous: Sense and Sensibility.
  • Jane Austen (romantic literature).

    Jane Austen. Wrote several books (romantic literature), one of the most famous: Pride and Prejudice.
  • Gothic Horror

    Frankenstein, Gothic Horror one of the most important Monster novels.
  • Charles Dickens (1812-70)

    Charles Dickens (1812-70). Wrote Oliver Twist (1837) and Great Expectations.
  • Gothic Fiction.

    Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë and Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, Gothic Fiction, romantic novels with mystery.
  • Period: to

    From final of 1800s to the present.

  • Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes series.

    Arthur Conan Doyle, wrote the Detective fiction, Sherlock Holmes series, being the most famous “The hound of the Baskervilles”
  • "The Picture of the Dorian Gray"

    Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). One of the famous authors of Gothic Fiction, his most important write was “The Picture of the Dorian Gray”.
  • Period: to

    Science Fictions Literature

    The science fictions of H.G.Wells:
    The Time Machine
    The Invisible Man
    The War of the Worlds
    The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • Gothic Horror

    Dracula, Frankenstein, Gothic Horror one of the most important Monster novels.
  • George Bernard Shaw and Pygmalion

    The Playwright George Bernard Shaw, wrote Pygmalion, knowing as my fairy lady these days because its movie; a relate about man who helps a woman to become in a “proper lady.”
  • Modernism and stream of consciousness

    Modernism and stream of consciousness. Ulysses and Mrs Dalloway novel, by James Joyce and Virginia Woolf.
  • Fantasy Literature

    One of the most famous example of fantasy literature “the hobbit (1937) By J.R.R. Tolkien.
  • Allegory Literature

    Dystopia an allegory about the Russian revolution, a novel writes by George Orwell.
  • Fantasy Literature

    One of the most famous example of fantasy literature “the lord of the rings (1954-1955).” By J.R.R. Tolkien.
  • Period: to

    Fantasy Literature "Harry Potter series."

    J.K Rowling (1965-) wrote the Harry Potter series, the most famous example of fantasy and literature; Rowling has become the most successful author of the English literature history.