Progressive Era

  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Congress passes the ICC Act to regulate railroads to be more efficient.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    First federal act that procected against monopolistic business practices.
  • Northern Secutiry Antitrust

    The Roosevelt administration brings an antitrust suit against the Northern Securities.
  • Coal Miner Strike

    Anthracite coal miners go on strike in PA, protesting the horrible working conditions.
  • Coal Strike End

    Coal miner strikers reluctantly return to work after the strike against bad conditions. The workers are rewarded with a 9-hr day and a 10% pay increase.
  • Elkins Act

    Congress passes the Elkins Act, which helps support the ICC Act. This act makes it a crime for railroads to grant freight rates other than what they have published.
  • Court Dissolves Northern Securities

    The surpreme court orders the dissolution of the Northern Securities Company.
  • The Jungle

    A book written by Upton Sinclair that graphically describes the meatpacking industry.
  • Hepburn Act

    Expands the powers of the railroad beyond the ICC regulations to enable railroads to provide more ammenities.
  • Meat Inspection

    On the same day as the Food and Drug Act, congress approves the second meat inspection law.
  • Food and Drug Act

    Congress passes the Pure Food and Drug act to assure that people know what is going into their food.
  • Financial Panic

    Congress is convinced that an economic turndown is inevitable.
  • Taft Wins

    President Taft is elected President.
  • Department of Labor

    The Taft administration creates the Department of labor.
  • Hatter Union

    The Hatter's Union institutes a nationwide boycott of a non-union hat manufacturer in Danbury, CT.