
Product Evolution- Violin

  • Oct 5, 1555

    The First Violin

    The First Violin
    Origin Of The First Violin The first violin was created by an italian luthier by the name of Andrea Amati. He created the first violin in the year 1555. The body of the violin was of an oval shape and it involved 4 strings. The violin was an important instrument during the Renaissance period.
  • The Creation Of The Sound Hole or The F Hole.

    The Creation Of The Sound Hole or The F Hole.
    Violin Makers Nicolo Amati, son of Andrea Amati created the f hole. This produced the beautiful sound from the holes. A design he called the "Grand Amati". The f hole is now on every violin and is the main producer of the violins beautiful sound.
  • The First Major Change To The Violin

    The First Major Change To The Violin
    Violin Luthiers Antonio Stradivari, a violin luthier taught by Andrea Amatis son, Nicolo Amati. Antonio changed the shape of the violin dramatically. It was more apealing because the black fingerboard was extended, and the wooden body was polished and carved by hand.
  • Steel Gut Strings On The Violin

    Steel Gut Strings On The Violin
    String History FAQ During the year 1908 two note players, Willy Burmeister and Anton Witek created Steel Gut Strings. They believed intonation and tone would improve. Steel gut strings are massively produced and used among all modern violins
  • The Invention Of The Electrical Violin

    The Invention Of The Electrical Violin
    The Century Wide Look At The Electric Violin During the inventions of the telephone. Inventors John Matthias Augustus Stroh and Sir Charles Algernon Parsons created the first amplyified violin. Electrical violins were often used at jazz concerts during the 19th century.