Product Evolution

  • First Telephone

    First Telephone
    Who: Alexander Graham Bell
    Material: glass, ceramics, paper, metals, rubber and plastics, silicon, polymer
    Who uses the product?: Anyone that needs to communicate long-distance, and within a matter of seconds.
    Effect: Allowed people to communicate more efficently and quickly.
  • Fleming invents the vacuum diode

    Fleming invents the vacuum diode
    Who: John Ambrose Fleming
    Material: glass envelope, vacuum, anode A, cathode K, filament F, plate, heater (filament), glass support
    Improvement: Before the telephone didn't have a vacuum diode.
    These improvements were made to electronically amplify signals.
    Consumer: The consumer is anyone who uses the telephone.
  • Switching the rotary-dial telephone to a dial phone

    Switching the rotary-dial telephone to a dial phone
    Who: Bell System companies were the first to install.
    Material: Buttons, wires, circuits
    The product was originally made to have rotary system.
    The allowed for a more convient use of the telephone.
    The product is for anyone is now more accesible to all people.
    The effect of this improvement is it allowed customers to place calls without a operator.
  • Touch-tone telephone is introduced

    Touch-tone telephone is introduced
    It was first used om Carnegie and Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
    It now had a * and # added on to the pad of the telephone, this allowed for more uses of the dial pad.
    The product can be used by everyone.
    The effect is it allowed more ways to use the telephone.
  • U.S. military begins using fiber optics

    U.S. military begins using fiber optics
    Who: It was first used by the military.
    Material: silicon dioxide, silica powder, liquid silicon tetrachloride, oxygen, germanium tetrachloride, phosphorus oxychloride
    Originally the product was made without it.
    This allowed for greater bandwidth, and can transmit data digitally.
    The military used it, but now it is mostly likely accessible to all.
    The effect is it alllowed for more convienent transmissions of data.