Presidents of the Untied States

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln was the 16th president. He focused issues around expansion of slavery and rights of slave owners. His victory led to the declaration of secsession by seven southern states. Lincoln was re-elected in 1864 and then assassinated.
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    He was impeached from office for violateing the Tenure of Office Act. He vetoed more bills than any previous president. He believed in keeping the power out of the wealthy's hands.
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    Ulysses S. Grant was married to Julia Dent Grant on August 22, 1848. They had 4 children together. When he was president he was involved in Reconstruction 1865–1877 the system of bringing the Southern states back into the U.S. after the Civil War! In The year of 1877 Ulysses S. Grant ended The Nez Pierce War
  • Rutherford B. Hayes

    Rutherford B. Hayes
    The year of 1864 Hayes was still defending the North. The Republican Party in Cincinnati nominated him for Congress. Rutherford Hayes accepted the nomination but Rutherford refused to campaign.
  • James A. Garfield

    James A. Garfield
    Garfield was the first president to campaign in multiple languages, James often spoke in German with German Americans he encountered along the campaign trail. Garfield paved the way for Civil service reforme.
  • Chester A. Arthur

    Chester A. Arthur
    He signed the Pendleton Act in to law. President Arthur presided over the rebirth of the United States Navy. It was said he had a soild performance in office.
  • William Mckinley

    William Mckinley
    During Mckinleys time Godl Standered act was important, where by the U.S was placed on the Gold standered. Hawaii was annexed. and in 1898 war was declared against spain. Mckinley was later shot twice by leon Czolgosz.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt followed Americas cultures in the early 1900's. Theodores willingness to take on big businesses is why he is considered to be one of the better presidents. His polices set the stage for important reforms.
  • William Howard Taft

    William Howard Taft
    Taft continued Roosevelts Anti- trust actions. Tafts Dollar Diplomacy increased the actions that America would take to help protect its business interest. The last two contiguous states brought the union to 48 states during Tafts time.
  • Woodorw Wilson

    Woodorw Wilson
    Woodorw Wilson attempted to keep America out of war. One of his first events was the underwood Tariff, which reduced tariff rates, and created the first federal income tax. Also in 1914 the Clayton Anti-trust act was passed to help labor have more rights. In 1919 Woodrow won a Noble Peace prize for helping avert another World War.