President puzzle

Presidential Deaths/Assassinations

  • William Henry Harrison

    William Henry Harrison
    William's sickness had occured shortly after his inauguration. Soon his simple cold turned into much worse and doctors tried many different things. They only made it worse and he eventually died of pneumonia, jaudince, and septicemia. He has served the shortest time in office only 31 days.
  • Pneumonia

    Pneumonia is caused by an infection that occurs due to bacteria or viruses. It can be very fatal but it can be treat. Also you can prevent it with vaccinations that there is nowdays but back then they didn't have anything.
  • Zachary Taylor

    Zachary Taylor
    Zachary Taylor had just gotten back from a family event on the Fourth of July were he consumed much food. He later started to become ill and what he had is still not certain. Some think that he died of cholera or gastroenteritis.
  • Emanicpation Proclamation

    Emanicpation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln which probably lead to his death because people in the South were angry. It was informed in the American Civil War which was over slavery. In it it claimed that all slaves should be freed from their owners. Also that slavery was not to be allowed in America.
  • John Wilkes Booth

    John Wilkes Booth
    John Wilkes Booth was the person who assassinated Abraham Lincoln. He was an actor at the play Lincoln was attending. Booth had shot Lincoln then fleeting with his other accomplices. John Booth had shot him because he thought he was helping the South and their fight for slavery again.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham was the first president to be assassinated in the U.S. He was shot while attending a play with his wife by John Wilkes Booth who was later caught. They had taken Abraham Lincoln to Petersen's Boarding House where he had later died. The Emancipation Proclamation is what lead John Booth to killing him because he was the one who issued it making the South mad about it.
  • James A. Garfield

    James A. Garfield
    James A, Garfield was going to give a speech at thet train station before he went on his summer vacation. Then all of a sudden Charles J. Guiteau pulled out a gun and shot James several times. James was not expected to live long but he made it a few weeks after the shooting. There was still a bullet lodged in him somewhere that the doctors couldn't find leading to his death.
  • William McKinely

    William McKinely
    William McKinely really enjoyed meeting the public all the time. Then one day when he was at the Temple of Music shaking hands. he was shot by Leon Czolgosz. The doctors tried to find the bullet in his abdomen but he later died of the disease, gangrene caused by the bullet.
  • Gangrene

    Gangrene is a serious disease and can cause death. It usually occurs after and infection or major injury. Gangrene can result in amputation to save your life. There is also different types such as wet, dry, and gas.
  • Leon Czolgosz

    Leon Czolgosz
    Leon had killed McKinely at the Temple of Music. He had killed him because he was a anarchist. Also he hated any goverment and thought that it was all evil and the world would be a better place without it.
  • Secret Services

    Secret Services
    The Secret Services was assigned to protecting the president soon after William McKinely's death. After a year of being the presidental protecter they became the offical presidental protecter. They had orginally been formed on July 5th, 1865.
  • Warren G. Harding

    Warren G. Harding
    Warren had died unexpectedly in 1923 some believe that he was poisoned. No one is really sure why he died because his wife refused an autopsy on him. Others think that he just died of an natural death such as heart failure.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Franklin was going to make an appearance at the conference of the United Nations. He had said that he didn't feel very good that day and later had died. The doctor had found a massive cerebral hemorrhage which had caused his death. Many were very sadden by his death since he was a good president.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    John was assassinated while riding in the presidential motorcade with his wife and some others. Lee Harvey Oswald was the only one to be found of killing the president. There is many conspiracys theories about John's death some think that it was a big set up and that others were involved.
  • Lee Harvey Oswald

    Lee Harvey Oswald
    Why did Lee kill JFK people believe he did so just to get his name in history some how. Also he had a violent record in his past and had tried killing other people. Many still do not believe that he was the only one in on killing JFK.