
By Emadul
  • Bait Tutorial

    This was the start of editing together a few clips given to us. This was to help us to understand the importance of match cuts and jump cuts and generally cuts. Also the effect they have on the film. Digital Technoogy:
    Use of Final Cut Pro. it helped me to use the razor tool and the dropping of clips after cutting them on the preview screen. At first it was difficult to cut together some of the clips in the right place before adding it to the video
  • Film Swede (TED)

    Film Swede (TED)
    The film swedes, we picked TED. The filming was heavily relying on performance and mis en scene. This was the first time I used colour correction and audio in film so we had to use final cut pro to cut with the razor tool.
    Digital Technology:
    USE OF CAMERA: Started panning. Following Carina as she left car leaving Ted. Less stressful when editing only needed to do is put the clips together At first was hard to do when trying to keep in frame (rule of thirds) easier when done more
  • Arlington Road

    Arlington Road
    Used the effect of slow motion and the fade transition. Also usng sounds on Final Cut Pro to make the scenes more realistic also using razors and markers to clean up the footage and putting it together
  • Shot-By-Shot Remake

  • Thriller

    • As a group made a short thriller.
    Digital Technology