
  • The "Know-Nothing Party" Returns

    The Know-Nothing Party which was originally around pre-civil war is reinstated and takes a strong opposition towards immigrants. They claimed that immigrants threatened to corrupt America's heritage.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Congress passes the Chinese Exclusion Act which prohibits Chinese workers from entering the United States and the United States workforce
  • Congressional Legislation to Require a Literary Test

    Anti-immigration beliefs were met with a peak in Nationalism as WW1 became worse and worse leading to anti-immigration laws.
  • Immigration Act of 1924/1924 National Origins Act

    Based on new regulations to reduce immigration to the United States. Limiting the numbers of accepted immigrants from each country. Many other factors which led to the lowest immigration numbers in United States history.
  • Cold War

  • 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act

    As opposed to the act instated in 1924, this act slightly loosened restrictions that were initially placed upon Asians who wished to immigrate to America.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

    Boosted immigration throughout the United States. During a period of economic growth and placed emphasis on reunited families which may have been separated.
  • Refuge Act

    Give refuge policy greater consistency by allowing for both a regular flow of refugees and emergency admissions.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Delt with illegal immigration and illegal aliens.
  • Immigration Act

    Raised the annual allowance/admission of immigrants from 290,000 to 675,000 immigrants.
  • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act

    Curbing illegal immigrants. Delt with deportation matters and rejecting asylum claims.