Political and Diplomatic History 1951 - 2011

  • Stalin Dies (7) 26

    After being the leader of the Soviet Union for nearly 30 years, Stalin died on March 6, 1953. Although he is considered responsible for millions of deaths and famine, the people of the Soviet Union still mourned his death.
  • The Warsaw Pact (7) 9

    Alliance of the East European socialist states. Countered the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Warsaw Pact keeps East European allies under political and military control. Used to develop East EUropean socialist armies and harness them to its military strategy.
  • Khrushchev begins de-Stalinization(2)

    Nikita Khrushchev rose as a new party leader whose prowess was the de-Stalinization of Soviet Russia. Khrushchev called for peaceful coexistence and held the communist goals but began a policy of liberalization. The Soviet economic life improved and greater intellectual freedom was allowed.
  • The Suez Intervention (5-Meg)

    During this time, the Egyptian president nationalized the Suez Canal. This caused problems for France and England, who once had control over the canal. They feared that the the canal would be shut down and that they could not import foreign oil. The English and French tried to regain the canal once war broke out between Egypt and Israel, but they could not gain the canal without the American forces.
  • The EEC (Common Market) was started

    The members of the coal and steel community decided to work together in order to make a free trade union, and make other economic advancements including the elimination of tariffs, and free flow of labor between the members of the states. This group admitted other members and allowed the economic stability of Europe to develop with the cooperation of the participating countries.
  • Vietnam War (7) 10

    The Vietnam War was fought among North Vietnam and the government of South Vietnam. This war ended in rule of the Northern Vietnamese over both North and South Vietnam.
  • France develops atomic bomb (4/2)

    France becomes the fourth country to develop an atomic bomb. The world is aproaching the time period when a third world war may end the world.
  • East Germany builds the Berlin Wall (4-Madeline)

    In 1961, disputes between communist East Germany and democratic West Germany lead the USSR (who had control of East Germany) to build the Berlin Wall. This is important because it will cause political strife between the communists and democrats. It also represented a physical embodiment of the political differences in East and West Berlin.
  • Berlin Wall(2)

    The Berlin Wall was built. The Soviet Union had control of Eastern Germany while the U.S. and Britain controlled Western Germany. The wall was a boundary put up to divide the two parts of Germany. This was a symbol of a schism not only amongst the European nations, but also dividing nations within themselves. East Germany was to become communist while the Western half of Germany remained free.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis (5-Bella)

    An international crisis that was the closest approach to a nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union.
  • Watergate Scandel(2)

    From 1972-1977, Nixon and his administration planted devices in the democratic headquarters in order to get an advantage on what they were planning.
    This scandal caused the first and only resignation in American President's history.
  • The Iran hostage crisis

    The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the United States. Fifty-two US citizens were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981, after a group of Islamic students and militants took over the Embassy of the United States in support of the Iranian Revolution
  • The Regean Doctrine (7) 24

    The Regean Doctrine advocated providing ammunition, arms, and finances to all anti-communist groups fighting communism and the soviet union.This Doctrine helped to eliminate communist in the world by creating trouble for the Soviets yet at the same time, bankrupting the United States.
  • Revolutions of 1989 (4-Chandler)

    The revolutions of 1989 released Europe from Soviet superiority. This later led to the dissolving of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia into what today are known as sucessor states. By 1990, East and West Germany were reunified.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall (5-Killian)

    The fall of the Berlin Wall was the first domino in the end of the political party as Communism, the last being the dismantling of the Soviet Union two years later.
  • The Euro is launched (3)

    The Euro is launched as the new currency of the majority of the European countries. This replaced many now unused currencies and helped to lower confusion with trade. The Euro is now one of the most valued currencies world wide. (3)
  • United States along with other allied forces invade Afghanistan(2)

    This invasion was focused on eliminating Al-Queda influence in Afghanistan starting with Osama Bin Laden along with the Taliban, and instilling democracy into the nation. This invasion followed the September 11 attacks, which was considered one of the biggest foreign invasions of the United States since the American Revolution.
  • Barack Obama assumes office (1) -Callihan

    This is a huge step and change for the United States. He is our first African American t President to hold office and our 44th President.
  • French US British and other UN nations begin bombing of Libya while Libyan Rebel Forces keep on fighting Gaddafis Forces. Liam

    LIbya is one of many Islamic Nations in the Middle East/ Africa to begin to revolt against oppresive leaders.