Phillip II

  • Period: 1530 to 1545

    Traveled as a Child

    Phillip traveled around The Netherlands, Germany, and Italy to converse with the noblemen of the countries.
  • Period: 1530 to 1540

    Catholic Education

    As a child, Phillip was educated by Catholic clergymen. This shaped the strong belief Phillip had in Catholicism, which lead to many of his controversial policies when he became ruler.
  • 1539

    Phillip's Mother Dies

    His mother, Isabella of Portugal, died due to a miscarriage when Phillip was 12 years old. This was devastating to him because his father was often absent, causing a close relationship with his mother.
  • 1540

    Fatherly Advice

    Fatherly Advice
    Phillip's father, Charles V, taught him to never trust anyone too much. This stuck with Phillip throughout his rule which gave him the nickname, Phillip the Prudent.
  • 1543

    Marries Maria of Portugal

    Phillip married his cousin, Maria, who died two years later while giving birth to his first son, Don Carlos.
  • 1554

    Marries Mary I of England

    Marries Mary I of England
    Phillip became a co-ruler of England while he was married to Mary I until her death 4 years later.
  • 1559

    Marries Elizabeth of Valois

    Marries Elizabeth of Valois
    His third marriage lasted for a decade and ended open wars occurring between France and Spain
  • 1566

    First Daughter Born

    First Daughter Born
    His third wife gave birth to his first daughter, Isabella Clara Eugenia.
  • 1567

    Second Daughter Born

    His third wife gave birth to his daughter, Catherine Micaela.
  • 1570

    Phillip Marries Anna of Austria

    Phillip Marries Anna of Austria
    Two years after the death of his third wife, he married Anna, who was the daughter of one of his cousins.