
PHIL202 Timeline #2

  • Thomas Kuhn: Born 7/18/1922; Died 6/17/1996

     Thomas Kuhn: Born 7/18/1922; Died 6/17/1996
    In this book, Kuhn talks about the Copernican Revolution, which basically was talking about the change in thinking in the scientific field of astrology. Because of this particular shift in thinking, Kuhn also discusses the impact that this event had on scientific thinking as a whole and changes the scope on how folks that about science, and also provoked thoughts on how we interact with religious views and the rest of the universe.
  • Thomas Kuhn: Born 7/18/1922; Died 6/17/1996

    Thomas Kuhn: Born 7/18/1922; Died 6/17/1996
    In this book, Kuhn perhaps introduces his most influential work. This is the work where he introduced the idea of paradigm shifts. Paradigm shifts are essentially when (in this case scientifically speaking) a way of doing things is changed and replaced with another. For example, this book helped to change and present the ideas of changing the way we look at the scientific method and experimentation of hypotheses. Kuhn received many accolades for this work, and became well known because of it.
  • Thomas Kuhn: Born 7/18/1922; Died 6/17/1996

    Thomas Kuhn: Born 7/18/1922; Died 6/17/1996
    In The Essential Tension, Kuhn offers is taken on biological evolution. His specific argument for biological evolution is for multilevel selection being an essential part of it. divided into 3 different parts, Kuhn discusses the history of the topic, then proceeds into investigating the topic, and then talks about experiments run in the final part.
  • Thomas Kuhn: Born 7/18/1922; Died 6/17/1996

    Thomas Kuhn: Born 7/18/1922; Died 6/17/1996
    The idea behind this work is for Kuhn to discuss discontinuous physics. In this book, Kuhn uses Max Planck as a foundation for much of the book's content as he discusses the discontinuous physics during the early parts of the 20th century. He discusses many of Planck's theories, as well as develops a brief history on the subject, as well as discussing new ways of thinking about it as well.