
Personal Health Timeline

  • exercise for at least one hour regularly

    exercise for at least one hour regularly
  • Period: to

    During my 20s

  • get enough sleep every night

    get enough sleep every night
  • have a medical check up with a doctor every 2 years

    have a medical check up with a doctor every 2 years
  • use sun screening when doing outdoor activity

    use sun screening when doing outdoor activity
  • eat a healthy diet

    eat a healthy diet
  • have a dental exam and clean every 6-12 months

    have a dental exam and clean every 6-12 months
  • don't use drugs or alcohol

    don't use drugs or alcohol
  • have clinical testicular exam

    have clinical testicular exam
  • practice good hygiene

    practice good hygiene
  • practice safe sex

    practice safe sex
  • find a proper primary care provider and medical specialist

    find a proper primary care provider and medical specialist
  • see a dermatologist to screen for skin cancer

    see a dermatologist to screen for skin cancer
  • get regular comprehensive eye exams

    get regular comprehensive eye exams
  • get recommended immunizations

    get recommended immunizations
  • eat less junk foods

    eat less junk foods
  • exercise at least 30 minutes daily

    exercise at least 30 minutes daily
  • Period: to

    during my 30s

  • maintain a healthy weigh by eating healthy

    maintain a healthy weigh by eating healthy
  • reduce the amount of sodium (salt) in my diet

    reduce the amount of sodium (salt) in my diet
  • don't smoke, drink, or do drugs

    don't smoke, drink, or do drugs
  • visit the dentist once every 6-12 month

    visit the dentist once every 6-12 month
  • get enough sleep everyday

    get enough sleep everyday
  • don't drink and drive

    don't drink and drive
  • keep track of my BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol level

    keep track of my BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol level
  • eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole gains, lean protein and low fat dairy

    eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole gains, lean protein and low fat dairy
  • have hearing test

    have hearing test
  • have comprehensive eye exam and vision screen every 1-2 years

    have comprehensive eye exam and vision screen every 1-2 years
  • have a cholesterol screening

    have a cholesterol screening
  • have a skin cancer screening

    have a skin cancer screening
  • go to the gym and try to build muscle

    go to the gym and try to build muscle
  • make time for myself to do fun things and relax

    make time for myself to do fun things and relax
  • don't eat food that contain a lot of saturated fat

    don't eat food that contain a lot of saturated fat
  • Period: to

    during my 40s

  • digestive problems such as ulcer might arise

    digestive problems such as ulcer might arise
  • take time to relax and do fun things to relieve stress

    take time to relax and do fun things to relieve stress
  • Concern: chronic pain such as back pain or tendonitis

    Concern: chronic pain such as back pain or tendonitis
  • Concern: risk for osteoporosis -bone loss

    Concern: risk for osteoporosis -bone loss
  • Concern: anxiety or depression

    Concern: anxiety or depression
  • be prepare for skin problems that might arise

    be prepare for skin problems that might arise
  • physical check up every 2-3 years

    physical check up every 2-3 years
  • changes in vision and hearing loss

    changes in vision and hearing loss
  • have dental exam and cleaning every 6-12 months

    have dental exam and cleaning every 6-12 months
  • blood pressure screening every 2 years

    blood pressure screening every 2 years
  • cholesterol and diabetes screening

    cholesterol and diabetes screening
  • have a testicular exam

    have a testicular exam
  • Colorectal cancer screening

    Colorectal cancer screening
  • skin exam every 3 months

    skin exam every 3 months
  • get immunizations as recommended

    get immunizations as recommended
  • maintain a healthy diet

    maintain a healthy diet
  • have dental exam and clean every 6-12 months

    have dental exam and clean every 6-12 months
  • Period: to

    during my 50s

  • cut back on salt and unhealthy fat

    cut back on salt and unhealthy fat
  • stay active and do exercise at least 30 minutes regularly

    stay active and do exercise at least 30 minutes regularly
  • only drink alcohol in moderation

    only drink alcohol in moderation
  • physical exam every 2 years

    physical exam every 2 years
  • don't smoke or do drugs

    don't smoke or do drugs
  • have blood pressure and cholesterol screening every year

    have blood pressure and cholesterol screening every year
  • Concern: digestive issues, cancer, abnormal blood sugar levels

    Concern: digestive issues, cancer, abnormal blood sugar levels
  • Concern: chronic pain, changes in vision and hearing loss

    Concern: chronic pain, changes in vision and hearing loss
  • have diabetes screening and skin exam

    have diabetes screening and skin exam
  • Concern: high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, heart diseases

    Concern: high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, heart diseases
  • have colorectal cancer screening

    have colorectal cancer screening
  • Concern: osteoporosis, skin problems, urinary incontinence

    Concern: osteoporosis, skin problems, urinary incontinence
  • doing things that are enjoyable to relieve stress

    doing things that are enjoyable to relieve stress
  • have prostate cancer screening

    have prostate cancer screening
  • get enough rest daily

    get enough rest daily
  • take up a hobby and challenge my mind

    take up a hobby and challenge my mind
  • maintain a healthy weigh and diet

    maintain a healthy weigh and diet
  • do a colonoscopy

    do a colonoscopy
  • Concern: increase risk of heart diseases

    Concern: increase risk of heart diseases
  • Period: to

    during my 60s

  • stay active and do exercise daily

    stay active and do exercise daily
  • visit my health care provider regularly for check ups

    visit my health care provider regularly for check ups
  • eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and low fat dairy products

    eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and low fat dairy products
  • dental and eye exam once a year

    dental and eye exam once a year
  • do thyroid test every 5 years

    do thyroid test every 5 years
  • Annual vaccines (flu, hepatitis, pneumonia, tetanus, shingles)

    Annual vaccines (flu, hepatitis, pneumonia, tetanus, shingles)
  • have a bone density test

    have a bone density test
  • blood pressure screening once a year

    blood pressure screening once a year
  • take the time to learn about warning signs for serious medical conditions

    take the time to learn about warning signs for serious medical conditions
  • do testicular exam and prostate cancer test once a year

    do testicular exam and prostate cancer test once a year
  • drink only for moderations

    drink only for moderations
  • do blood glucose test once every 3 years

    do blood glucose test once every 3 years
  • don't smoke or do drugs

    don't smoke or do drugs